해리포터 하우스 퀴즈 - haelipoteo hauseu kwijeu

당신은 어느 호그와트 집에 속해 있습니까?

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry에 가입 하시겠습니까? 이 분류 퀴즈는 당신의 진정한 집을 결정합니다!


당신은 그리핀도르입니까? 당신은 Hufflepuff입니까? 당신은 Slytherin입니까? 아니면 Ravenclaw입니까?

한 가지는 분명합니다. 우리 모두가 Hogwarts에 가서 Sorting Hat을 쓸 수는 없습니다. 하지만 우리는 여전히 분류 퀴즈를 경험할 수 있습니다!

확장 된 전체 Pottermore 분류 모자 퀴즈

전체 Pottermore 집 퀴즈를 풀고 호그와트 집을 정확하게 결정하세요. 모든 질문에 가능한 한 진실되게 대답하십시오. Pottermore 퀴즈는 질문에 답함으로써 귀하가 속한 집을 결정할뿐만 아니라 아닙니다. 퀴즈는 또한 각 질문에 대해 결정하는 시간을 고려합니다.

그러니 분류 모자를 속이려고하지 마십시오. 그는 당신이 퀴즈를 속이려고하는지 알 것입니다!

Pottermore 퀴즈 재응시 방법?

누구나 좋아하는 집이 있습니다. Gryffindor 또는 Hufflepuff가 어디에 있든. 분류 모자는 귀하가 선택한 집에 속하지 않는다고 결정할 수 있습니다. 그러나 더 이상 걱정하지 마십시오. Pottermore 퀴즈를 다시 풀고 이번에는 Sorting Hat이 다르게 결정하는지 확인하십시오.

해리포터 하우스 퀴즈 결과

당신이 속한 집을 찾을 준비가 되셨습니까? 더 이상 기다리지 말고 포터 모어 하우스 Quiz 지금!

가입하지 않고 Pottermore 퀴즈

이 포터 모어 분류 모자 퀴즈에는 가입 할 필요가 없습니다. 퀴즈를 풀고 모든 질문에 가능한 한 진실되게 답하세요.

🤓  더 많은 퀴즈

[효율적인 영어공부]

[해리포터 퀴즈] 해리포터 호그와트 기숙사- 나는 어느 기숙사에?

[해리포터 퀴즈]  해리포터 호그와트 기숙사- 나는 어느 기숙사에 들어갈까?

힘이되는 손가락 꾹~ 눌러주세요~^.^

해리포터 1편 [해리포터와 마법사의 돌]을 보면, 의자에 앉으면 Sorting Hat이라고,

 기숙사를 배정해주는 모자가 말을 하는 장면이 나오죠~~~

잠깐 모자를 썼을 뿐인데, 이 모자(Sorting Hat)가 호그와트 기숙사를 배정해주죠~~~

슬리데린만은 가지 않겠다고 간절히 외치는

해리포터의 표정이 보이시죠?^^*

[해리포터 1편- 해리포터와 마법사의 돌 중]

[해리포터 퀴즈]

인터넷 돌아다니다보니,

해리포터 관련한 퀴즈 사이트들도 종종 보이더라구요~~~

그 중, 하나를 소개해 드리려고 해요~^.^


이 사이트는 질문과 보기 옵션이 상당히 상세하네요~~~^^

다만, 질문이 영어로 되어있어요~~~--;;;

저는 평소에 영어로 된 글들을 보면서

영어식 사고가 적용된 문장 확인 작업만 하기 때문에,

따로 번역을 해서 올리지는 않을거예요~~^^;

(대충 사전찾아서 해석하면서 봐도 무방하지만,

영어식 사고를 익히면서 보기에도 문장이 정말 유용한게 많네요~^^)

다만, 다른 분들을 위해 방금 영어 문장을 번역기를 돌려봤더니,

어색하긴 해도 전체적인 맥락 잡는데는 무리가 없을듯 해서

많은 분들이 재미있게 테스트해 보실 수 있을것 같아요~^^*

[해리포터 퀴즈]- 해리포터 호그와트 기숙사- 나는 어느 기숙사에?


1.  12문장 정도 되는 퀴즈 답을 다 하시구요~

마지막에 'sort me'라고 되어있는 버튼을 누르시면 됩니다.

2. 다음 페이지에 이렇게 결과가 나와요~~~^^*

제 결과는 약간 당황스럽네요~~@.@

사실 제가 귀차니즘이 굉장히 많아서~~~

왠만한 문제 상황은 그냥 피하고 만다고 대답했는데~

어떻게 해리포터 퀴즈 결과가 슬리데린 기숙사인지!!!!

훗~ 그래도 상당히 재미있는 퀴즈니까~~

여러분들도 해보시구요~^^

어떤 기숙사가 걸렸는지 알려주세요~~~ㅋㅋ

슬리데린 기숙사 메이트들 더 계신가요? ^.^

  많은 분들이 슬리더린 기숙사를 말씀하시는데~~~~

드디어 Ravenclaw 기숙사에 배정된 분도 찾았어요~ㅋㅋㅋ

[해리포터 기숙사] 해리포터 기숙사로 알아보는 성격 바로가기 

[영어식 사고 위닝스토리 바로가기]

아이들을 위한 Pottermore 분류 모자 퀴즈 우리 모두 해리 포터를 사랑하지 않습니까? 많은 사람들이 마법사와 마녀, 마법의 생물 등으로 가득한 이 환상적인 세계의 일부가 되기를 원합니다. 하지만 진정한 마법사나 마녀가 되어 호그와트에 입학하기 전에 집에 분류되어야 합니다. 이러한 질문은 기본적으로 요약됩니다.… 

해리포터 하우스 퀴즈 - haelipoteo hauseu kwijeu

아이들을 위한 Pottermore 분류 모자 퀴즈 우리 모두 해리 포터를 사랑하지 않습니까? 많은 사람들이 마법사와 마녀, 마법의 생물 등으로 가득한 이 환상적인 세계의 일부가 되기를 원합니다. 하지만 진정한 마법사나 마녀가 되어 호그와트에 입학하기 전에 집에 분류되어야 합니다. 이러한 질문은 기본적으로 요약됩니다. 사소해 보이는 질문에 대한 빠른 분류 모자가 해리 포터 하우스를 즉시 알려줄 것입니다! 실제 분류 모자처럼 이 퀴즈는 당신을 알아가고 당신에게 가장 잘 어울리는 하우스를 찾아낼 것입니다. 보다 정교한 경험을 원하신다면 저희의 확장 포터모어 하우스 퀴즈

아이들을 위한 Pottermore 분류 모자 퀴즈 우리 모두 해리 포터를 사랑하지 않습니까? 많은 사람들이 마법사와 마녀, 마법의 생물 등으로 가득한 이 환상적인 세계의 일부가 되기를 원합니다. 하지만 진정한 마법사나 마녀가 되어 호그와트에 입학하기 전에 집에 분류되어야 합니다. 이러한 질문은 기본적으로 요약됩니다. 사소해 보이는 질문에 대한 빠른 분류 모자가 해리 포터 하우스를 즉시 알려줄 것입니다! 실제 분류 모자처럼 이 퀴즈는 당신을 알아가고 당신에게 가장 잘 어울리는 하우스를 찾아낼 것입니다. 보다 정교한 경험을 원하신다면 저희의 확장 포터모어 하우스 퀴즈

Hogwarts House Sorting Quiz

해리포터 하우스 퀴즈 - haelipoteo hauseu kwijeu

I know what you're all thinking, "Not -another- sorting quiz!", but before you get bored and leave, let me say a few things about it. This is not the ordinary sorting quiz that you're used to. Unlike all those other quizzes infesting the Internet, this quiz actually sorts you for who you are as a person, not because your favorite animal is a lion.

I made this quiz as a reaction to all the bad sorting quizzes. The problem with most of the existing quizzes, is that the questions rarely have anything to do with which house you would actually be sorted into. Your favorite color doesn't effect which house you belong to. Not every Gryffindor likes defense against the dark arts, not every Slytherin likes potions. Just look at Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Each is in Gryffindor, but each has a completely different disposition. Harry's father was often a bully and a thief, yet he was still in Gryffindor.

This quiz will actually ask you psychological questions with a variety of answers that can't easily be determined as to which house they fit into. This was meant to be more like what the Sorting Hat does. Just remember though that you must answer these questions truthfully in order to get an accurate answer.

Also these questions are written to take place in our world, not the world of Harry Potter. I didn't give a Harry Potter theme to the quiz because the answers are more accurate this way. As Muggles, we don't have any idea what it's like to be faced with a troll or a bogart and we've never played quiddich. Our answers may be skewed as to how our favorite characters would act instead of ourselves. However, we all know what it's like to live in the Muggle world because we do it every day.

So anyway, without further ado.

1.) You are given a test at school that has questions that teacher hasn't covered yet. In the middle of the test you notice that your friend next to you has a cheat-sheet. The teacher doesn't notice.

Ask to share the cheat-sheet. This test isn't fair, so why should you be?
Good for them, they beat the system.
Confront them after the test and try to convince them not to cheat anymore. You don't want them to get in trouble.
Confront them after the test and force them to tell the teacher they cheated, or you will tell on them. They must pay for their misdeeds.
Inform the teacher right in the middle of class that they are cheating. Cheaters never prosper!

2.) While walking down the street you see a wallet on the side of the road. It has a small amount of money in it, but no identification of any kind. There is nobody in sight.

Leave it there. Someone is probably looking for it.
Pocket the money. You don't know who it belongs to, so finder's keepers.
Take it to the police in case anyone ever reports it.
Take the wallet, and go around the area asking anyone if they have lost a wallet recently.

3.) Someone has played a prank on you which involves your public embarrassment and everyone begins laughing at you. However, you doubt they meant any harm by it.

Laugh along with the crowd. You love a good joke even if it's at your expense.
On the outside you'll laugh because you don't want anyone to know that they really hurt your feelings by making you look stupid in front of everybody.
You get upset and run away from the crowd. How could they be so mean?
That jerk! You get mad right away and tell it to their face.
Pretend that all is well, but you won't forget this. They're going to pay for what they did! How dare they publicly humiliate you.

4.) You have arrived late to work because you had a flat tire. You've been on time every other day for the past month, yet your boss yells at you about it in front of all your coworkers.

Endure his yelling, he is my boss after all.
Let him yell, it doesn't matter anyway, you're not listening.
Explain to him that accidents happen and that you don't feel you need to be yelled at because of it.
Yell right back at him! How dare he insult you for something so petty.
Allow him to yell all he wants, you'll just let the air out of his tires someday.

5.) You have just returned home from a long day's work when a friend calls you and explains that they are stranded on a back road an hour drive from town and they need you to pick them up. They've already tried everyone else and you are their only means of getting back.

I'm too tired. Tell them to try to flag down a car to help them out.
I'm too tired. Make up a lie about why you can't help them.
I'll do it, but I'm charging them for gas money.
Yes, I'm tired, but what are friends for?
Ask them what's wrong with the car. Maybe you can talk them through how to fix it.

6.) A little kid accuses you, in front of a whole crowd people, of stealing his toy which you did not do. You are twice his size, but he won't back off.

How dare he insult me in front of all these people? I'll show him how things work in the real world!
Explain to him that I didn't take his toy and give him fair warning that he'll have a black eye if he doesn't drop it.
Try to rationalize with the kid. Tell him you didn't take the toy and refuse to fight him even if he takes a few swings at you.
Tell him you didn't take the toy and direct him to someone who can help him find it.
Explain to him you didn't take the toy and offer to personally help find the person who did.

7.) You have saved up for months to buy a new bike. As you're getting ready to buy it, a child runs by and steals your money. You chase him down and find that his mother is deathly ill and the child stole the money to buy her medicine.

That's their problem, I didn't get the lady sick. I worked hard for that money and it's mine.
Perhaps you would have helped them if they were to ask, but you don't help thieves.
Maybe I'll let them keep some of the money and buy the bike later.
They are obviously in need of the money more than I. I give it all to them.
I'll give them the money and try and nurse the mother back to health.
Refuse to give them your money, but still try and nurse the mother back to health.

8.) A friend of yours tells you that there is some really cool stuff in an old abandoned building. When you get there you see a sign that "Danger: Do not enter!", but the building doesn't look dangerous. There is nobody around to see you, and your friend wants to check it out.

Obviously there is some dangerous stuff in there, and we shouldn't be going inside.
Maybe I'll just take a peek inside for a little while. What could it hurt?
Danger shmanger! There's probably some cool stuff inside. Let's see what all the fuss is about.

9.) A very strong man approaches you while you're eating lunch and demands that you give him some food. He doesn't appear to be starving or poor. There is nobody there to stop him from taking it.

Give him some food and leave quickly. You don't want any trouble from a jerk like that.
Give him some food and leave. But you're going to tell on him later.
Give him some food and follow him to his house so you can later get him back by doing something rather nasty.
Give him half your food and invite him to sit and talk with you, maybe you can befriend him.
Give him a nice fist in the face. Nobody steals from you.

10.) You have inherited a large sum of money from your great aunt.

Put it all into a savings account and spend it wisely as needs present themselves.
Buy a few things right away. Maybe a new car, a boat, a house, etc. The rest I'll put away for a rainy day.
Spend it all on something really big and eccentric. You can't take it with you right?
Donate it to the sick, injured, and poor.
Donate it to science, research, and development.
Invest it into the market. You'll soon have even more!

11.) You are given a small plastic puzzle that looks to be difficult to solve.

I have better things to do than play with toys.
I'll try it out, but if I can't solve it, it's not the end of the world.
I'll put some time into it. I'm sure I could solve it eventually.
I won't give up until I solve it. Then, maybe I'll try it blindfolded!

12.) Five years ago a girl stole some money from you and she never got in trouble for it. Since then, she has become a much better person. Recently she has been arrested for stealing, but you can prove that she is innocent.

I'm not saying a thing. This is the punishment that she never got five years ago.
Tell her that I'll save her, provided she pays me back the money she owes me.
I'll save her because I know she's a better person now.
I'd save her even if she was still a bad person because I know she is innocent this time.

해리포터 하우스 퀴즈 - haelipoteo hauseu kwijeu

해리포터 하우스 퀴즈 - haelipoteo hauseu kwijeu

해리포터 하우스 퀴즈 - haelipoteo hauseu kwijeu