에프터이펙트 시네마4d 오류 5070 - epeuteoipegteu sinema4d olyu 5070


Trying the rendering mode in the settings of the classic 3D model to Wings 3D drawn with RADIUS, I get an error

«After effects error: drawn in the 3D Department: paged memory mapped to a Raytracer.» Your project may exceed the limits of the GPU. Close other applications. Try to update the CUDA driver. (5070:: 2) ".

I'm in Mavericks 10.9.2 with After Effects CC on a macbook pro retina run 2.3 GH, 12 GB of Ram, lots of free space on the hard disk. It is currently running Intel Iris Pro 1024 MB.

I have install the CUDA 5.5.28 driver. I tried with and without, it's the same thing.

Any idea's what is the problem and how to fix it?

Thank you

This computer has no Nvidia card. CUDA driver for Nvidia CUDA hardware only software. Why did you install the CUDA driver on a computer without any other hardware CUDA?

You will not be able to use the GPU acceleration plotted in 3D on this computer rendering engine Department. Don't wory about, however. Drawn to the ray 3D rendering engine is a minor element, and there are ways much better to use 3D in After Effects, especially with the help of Cinema 4 d, which is now part of the installation of After Effects:

fects.html http://blogs.adobe.com/AfterEffects/2013/04/details-of-Cinema-4D-Integration-with-after-EF

Tags: After Effects

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    This bug is corrected in the after effects CC (12.1) update:


    Let us know how it works when you tried with the new update.

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    The after effects CC (12,2) update solves this problem.

    Let us know how it works for you after installing the update.

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    Screenshot here: http://gyazo.com/794429fd1091973c8a296a27d2af6fab.PNG


    AE: After Effects CS5 (64 bit)

    OS: Windows Home Premium (64-bit)

    RAM: 8 GB

    Processor: 1 st Gen Quad-Core i7

    Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 320

    Updates: installed all updates for Adobe products

    Source footage: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 @ 60 fps using UT video Codec YUV 420

    Worked before? Yes

    Open GL: My open gl is not enabled

    I have read other forums and watched tutorials. I did the following. (Not in the used order)

    1 decommissioning Magic Bullet Looks from 1.4.3 to 1.4.2 (did not work)

    2 upgrade Magic Bullet Looks to MBL 2.0 of Magic Bullet Suite 11 (did not work)

    3 uninstall my gfx card and re-install with the latest version (didn't work)

    4 reset the AE preferences by pressing alt + shift + ctrl on the shortcut (didn't work)

    5. change H.264 rendering parameters->. AVI (did not work)

    6. I deleted the "AE_OpenGL" of my After Effects file (didn't work)

    My Composition:



    The skin file is not that complex, but I don't know if it'll help, but that's it.

    The look file parameters:


    I've never had this problem before and hope someone has a solution to this problem... If so please post a reply. I don't know if its because I put the plug on all of my clips and then made an adjustment with an another Magic Bullet Looks layer or if it's my fault of clips but I don't know what to do.


    It seems that the looks hangs only on this project. If this is the case then it is probably a problem with one of your video clips. Either there is a corrupt frame or some other codec glitch which throw errors. I suggest you replace the elements of film with temporary images. You can even use solids. Replace one at a time, then cancel, until you find the film that causes the crash. Then re - compress this film to another codec or replace it.

    If looks are blocks on all types of images, then you will have to pursue other options that are more linked system.

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    After effects error: drawn in the 3D Department: Initial shader compilation failed (5070: 0)

    Mylenium treats the error in detail here:


    Remove the "GeForce GTX TITAN" the file "raytracer_supported_cards.txt" resolves the error message, however, this obviously makes the Titan useless for any acceleration traced to the RADIUS using the Titan.

    Any thoughts on why After Effects reports this error (even if the first is likely to enable Cuda with the Titan) and what could be the solution?

    One final note, even with the start-up error, After Effects reports successfully Titan GTX under information GPU (see image below)

    에프터이펙트 시네마4d 오류 5070 - epeuteoipegteu sinema4d olyu 5070

    The TITAN GTX is added to the list of maps that After Effects will use for accelerating GPU of the raytraced 3D rendering engine in the update for after effects CC (12.1), that comes out.

    See this page for more details:


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    Thank you.


    This bug is corrected in the after effects CC (12.1) update:


    Let us know how it works when you tried with the new update.

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    I'm running OS X 10.6.3 on a 17 "with the form below.

    After that Effects CS3 works well. What is the solution?

    Model name:MacBook Pro

    Model identifier:MacBookPro5, 2

    Processor name:Intel Core 2 Duo

    Processor speed:3, 06Ghz

    Number of processors:1

    Total number of cores:2

    L2 Cache:6 MB

    Memory:8 GB

    Bus speed:1.07 GHz

    Boot ROM version:MBP52.008E.B05

    Version of the SCM (System):1.42f4

    Serial number (System):W89400R18YB

    Material UUID:E2300327-D5D3-5DC2-85CF-9FFA9CEAD9ED

    Motion sensor sudden:


    This bug is corrected in the after effects CC (12.1) update:


    Let us know how it works when you tried with the new update.

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