마운트앤블레이드 모드 추천 - maunteuaenbeulleideu modeu chucheon

1. 펜도르의 예언

3.611 다운로드

판타지세계같은 세계관에 RPG요소가 약간 첨부된 모드이다
등장하는 나라는 5개지만, 제 3의 세력이라고 해봤자 도적, 해적, 인간 사냥꾼정도인 본편에 비해
펜도르의 예언은

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이밖에도 많은 제 3의 세력이 존재해서 초반엔 용병생활과 후반엔 전쟁뿐이였던 본편에 비해
할거리를 좀더 늘여주었다고 볼 수 있다

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3의 세력은 도적과 같은 몇십명에서 이런숫자의 병력을 가진 세력까지 다양하다

제 3의 세력중에서도 유달리 부대수가 많고 따로 이름을 가진 녀석들이 있는데
이녀석을 물리치면 쿠알리스 보석이라는 보물을 얻게 되고, 이걸로 특수한 장비나 병사를 구입하거나
자신만의 기사단원을 만드는데 사용할 수 있다

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이런 근본도 없는것들이 성을 공격하기도 한다 근데 부대수가..

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이쁜 대머리 아가씨를 물리치면 갑옷 레시피를 얻을 수 있다

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이름과 장비를 따로 지정해서 기사단을 만들수도 있다! 돈이 없어서 창은 안줬다

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성이라기보단 좀 커다란 돌담같던 본편의 성을 뜯어고쳤다

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따로 업적이 존재하고 여기에 보상도 존재한다

특별한 버그도 없고, 새로 추가된 요소들이 크게 이질적이지않으며
약간 지루할 수 도있는 후반에 할게 생겼기에 추천할만한 모드이다

2. AD1257

1.03 다운로드

실제 유럽을 구현한 모드로 무엇보다 눈에 띄는점은 그래픽이 꽤 볼만하다
(물론 기존에 비해서)

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마운트앤블레이드 모드 추천 - maunteuaenbeulleideu modeu chucheon

얼굴 텍스쳐도 아예 새로 그렸다

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등장하는 세력 수(본편은 6국가)

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땅덩어리가 무지막지하다 본편보다 최소 3~4배는 될듯..

그래픽뿐만 아니라 시스템도 변화가 많은데
귀족의 병사로 입영생활을 즐길 수 있다던가(야! 신난다)
마을뿐만 아니라 성에서도 병사들이 징집가능해지고
대 기병전투에 창의 공격력이 무지막지하게 올라간다던가
전투에서도 자동으로 진형을 짜서 움직이기도 한다

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자진입대지만 집에 가고 싶어

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병사들이 어택땅!이 아닌 진형을 갖추고 움직인다
지휘관을 보호하며 밀집해 이동하고 있는 보병들

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난이도도 높아서 본편처럼 무쌍은 힘들다

텍스쳐도 갈아엎고 땅떵어리도 커져서인지 사양이 상당히 높으므로 주의
도저히 본편 그래픽가지곤 눈에게 미안하다거나, 본편의 땅떵어리가 너무 좁았다
난이도가 너무 낮았다고 생각하시는 사람에게 추천할 수 있는 모드다

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마운트앤블레이드 모드 추천 - maunteuaenbeulleideu modeu chucheon
마운트앤블레이드 모드 추천 - maunteuaenbeulleideu modeu chucheon

마운트 앤 블레이드2 배너로드 추천 모드

모드 배열은 위 사진 참고

하모니 버터립 ux mcm 네이티브 위

한패 모드는 제일 밑에


A library for patching, replacing and decorating.NET and Mono methods during runtime.Intended to ensure that all mods in a player's modlist are using the latest version of Harmony to


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하모니 (필수)


Extension library for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord containing common functions for modification development.


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버터립 (필수)


Rewritten fork of UIExtenderLib with the similar goal of enabling multiple mods to alter standard game interface.


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UI익스텐더 (필수)

Mod Configuration Menu

A fork of ModLib created by mipen that only focuses on providing a library for creating an unified Mod Option screen for mods.Can display Settings created by ModLib.


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MCM (필수)


A vanilla-friendly mod for the campaign and sandbox modes of Bannerlord. Diplomacy's goal is to provide balanced, fun, and creative options for characters to have an impact on the world, including bot


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Diplomacy 정치 외교 기능 추가

Keep Own Fief

Adds the option to keep a fief after capturing it.


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영지 점령시 우선권 소유 


Talk to any hero from encyclopedia.


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텔레파시 군주에게 텔레파시 보낼 수 있음

Party Screen Enhancements

Adds an Upgrade All, Sort all, and a Recruit All Prisoners button to the party interface.Includes a user friendly UI for configuration.


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파티창 기능 추가

Improved Custom Camera Fix

An improved version of Xorberax's shoulder cam mod with more customizability. A more dynamic third person camera with a lot of customizable options to tailor it to your needsIt's an update


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카메라 시점 변경 모드

Xorberax's Shoulder Camera - Fixes

Changes the third person camera to an over-the-shoulder style. Now updated for the latest Bannerlord


Xorberax's Shoulder Cam

Changes the third person camera to an over-the-shoulder style.


숄더캠 카메라 어깨 시점으로 시점 변경

Fluid Combat Overhaul fix

UPDATED, tested and working on 1.7.0 banelord version.More details below.


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전투 공격 방향 자유롭게 변경

Marry anyone continue

Coming from : https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/1483Marry anyone continue more stable with new features


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결혼 기능 추가

Pregnancy Control (Fixed and updated)

Pregnancy Control mod.


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임신 컨트롤

Better Marriage

Unlimited chances at marrying someone.


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결혼 거절 후 무한 재도전 찬스


Makes expansion for everyone a bit harder because clans, national minorities and settlements show their disloyalty in very obvious way raising rebel kingdoms.


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분리주의 모드


This mod is 'PARTY AI OVERHAUL AND COMMANDS' for the game version e1.6.4.


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파티 ai 오버홀 - 선택지로 파티에게 명령 내릴수 있고 기타 옵션 추가

Useful companions

Extends usefulness of companions allowing them to earn skill XP and affect various aspect of the game. Caravan leaders, governors and party roles get rewards!


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동료 스킬 추가 획득 및 ai 추가

Better Combat

Various ways to improve combat, all customizable!


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전투 유닛 hp 등등 수정

Scaling HP

HP scales with your level (and endurance)!


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HP from Level

Make bannerlord like every other RPG game where character level gives you more health. By default it is 2% extra health per level, although it can be changed in settings.xml file include with this mo


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레벨에 따른 체력 추가

Battle Regeneration

Adds passive healing while in battle. Affects player, friends, foes, and mounts (configurable). Switch between regen formulas, or define one yourself! (C# and/or VB knowledge required to define formul


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체력 회복

Parry don't always block everything

This mod make parry (without shield) block only a fixed part of the hit depending of the type of weapon both of you have, which mean that some strong hit can go partialy through. all of this is config


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막기 밸런스 재조정

단검같은 무기는 가드 성능을 줄임


I’m excited to present 867AD.Built to be used alongside the amazing Crusader Blade, a mod which joins together Bannerlord and Crusader Kings 3 to create the ultimate medieval gaming experience


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High Middle Ages

I’m excited to present High Middle Ages, a sequel to my 867AD mod (previously called Early Troops).Built to be used alongside the amazing Crusader Blade, a mod which joins together Bannerlord


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중세 모드 대형 변경 모드


A warband style combat gameplay experience mod for bannerlord. Add armor material resistance, change character health limit calculation, modified weapon damage, add damage bonus by skill, make s


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워밴드와 같은 전투 밸런스로 변경

Realistic Battle Mod

This mod makes combat more realistic. Armor and damage is reworked according to experimental data. Weapons attack faster. Units parry and block more. Projectile damage is based on kinetic energy, rang


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리얼리스틱 배틀 전투와 유닛 AI 변경

Drastic Battle

A simple mod improves vanilla battle experience. Changes damage calculating formulas. Zero configuration.


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전투 데미지 방식 변경

Knock 'Em Down

Spartan kick experience! Knock enemies down with a kick, shield bash or blow/throw of your weapon.


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전투 시 발차기나 무기로 쓰러트리기

deMount and Sprint

Sprinting | Teleporting | Vanilla Friendly Presets | Optional Stamina | Configurable speeds Compiled for 1.7.1


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전력질주 달리기 추가

Hybrid Blocking

Experimental mod following in the footsteps of its precedent 'Shield Equity' in which blocking animations are mixed to achieve a hybrid system.


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하이브리드 블로킹 방어


'Split Party' or SplitParty (v2) : join vanguard and find out the speed and joy to hunt with familly or/and companions.join backguard or use one party of your army like a hunting dog ;)


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군대에서 부대 나눠서 전투 추격

My Little Warband

A day 1 fully customizable player unique troop tree


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마이 리틀 워밴드 커스텀 병종 만들기

Custom Troop

Created on e1.5.4 - Allow customize the equipment of a custom troop tree


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커스텀 병종 만들수 있음

Distinguished Service

This mod allows basic soldiers, who meet certain criteria, to ascend to companion-dom following battle. Now the troops you've had by your side since their peasant days can be rewarded with cushy gover


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병사를 동료로 승진시킬 수 있음

Improved Garrisons

Customize your fief management with recruiters, advanced troop training with templates, automatic garrison recruitment, a standalone UI, custom parties with orders and more!


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향상된 주둔군

Garrison Do Something

Hate how enemies roam your lands unmolested? Hate how you have 500 men in a garrison doing nothing but getting drunk everyday? If you answered yes to both those questions then download this! For users


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주둔군이 자동으로 패트롤하고 행동함

Military Retinues and Royal Guards

Adds three tiers of recruitable militia to settlements for the player to use. The 1st tier (milita) is available in all settlements, the 2nd tier (veteran milita) only in settlements your kingdom curr


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황실근위병 민병대 고용 기능 모드

True Quality Modifiers

Do you find it annoying how many items on the field are tattered or charred? Do you dislike seeing items having their price multiplied by x17 because they have 1 extra point of damage? Well then my fr


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전투 후 전리품 등급 수정

Better Time (1.5.9 and newer)

Better Time updated to be compatible with the UI code in Bannerlord 1.5.9 and newer


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better time (맵이동할때 배속 늘려줌)

Leveling Rebalance

Rebalances the leveling system to make the leveling rate more consistent compared to vanilla. Now you can actually reach skill level 300 before the heat death of the universe.


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레벨링 리벨런스

Character Reload

This is the best visual character editor for Mount & Blade II Bannerlord at present. You can modify the hero's level, attribute points, skills, focus points, traits and personality Ena


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Character Reload Fix for 1.7.0

This is the best visual character editor for Mount & Blade II Bannerlord at present.You can modify the hero's level, attribute points, skills, focus points, traits and personalityEnabl


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캐릭터 리로드 (캐릭 능력, 외모바꾸기)

Character Manager

This mod adds commands in the developer console to export or import any character in the game. You'll keep the exact same level as in your previous save, contrary to some other old tools which don't w


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캐릭터 매니저 캐릭터 퍽 능력치 외모 변경

Super Speed

Allows fast forwarding during all combat. Works like after dead.


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슈퍼스피드 (전투할때 속도 배속 하는거)

Kaoses tweaks

UPDATED v 0.2.11 Updated for 1.6.0A collection of tweaks that aims to allow the player to configure Bannerlords to their own liking, Includes several Kaoses mods Integrated along


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GitHub - Prozengan/KaosesTweaks: A tweaking mod for bannerlords

A tweaking mod for bannerlords. Contribute to Prozengan/KaosesTweaks development by creating an account on GitHub.


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Kaoses Tweaks Updated

A collection of tweaks that aims to allow the player to configure Bannerlords to their own liking, Includes several Kaoses mods Integrated along


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카오시스 트윅 (각종 설정 건들 수 있음, 토너먼트보상, 도적은신처 인원제한풀기 등등)

Train Troops by Leadership and Level

Add XP to your troops by the leadership skill / level difference.


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리더쉽 레벨로 병사 경험치 습득

Founta's Tweaks

Allows the user to change all but a few of the default Bannerlord perk modifiers. Also adds skill exp gain modifiers, some crafting modifiers, some ranged weapon tweaks, and options for changing attri


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퍽 수치 수정 가능

Better Attributes

Provides additional bonuses from attributes.


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Attributes Matter

In the native game, attribute scores only increase the learning limit on skills. This changes that behaviour so that attribute values modify gameplay effects thematically, similar to how it worked in


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Attributes Reloaded

This mods aims to add more sense to Attributes (Vigor, Control, Endurance, Cunning, Social, Intelligence), so they affect more parts of gameplay than just learning rate and limits of respective skills


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애트리뷰트 점수에 따라 추가능력치 제공

Better Skills

Customize all bonuses from skills.


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스킬 능력치 가중치 수정

Take Both

Take both perks instead of just 1! Whenever you take a perk, you will automatically get the other perk!


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퍽 둘 다 찍기 적용

No Cheer On Retreat

Your soldiers will no longer stand and cheer while the enemy is retreating, they will hunt them down until the very end!


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전투 승리 후 서서 환호하지 않고 적을 추격

Helmet Hair Cover Tweaks Continued

A continuation of the original Helmet Hair Cover Tweaks mods that makes hair visible on many of the headgears that normally remove it.


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헬멧 머리카락 수정

Clean Fields

Removes ugly looking bushes and adjusts draw distance of vegetation.


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부쉬 식물 삭제

Better HUD

Improves the vanilla HUD.


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hud 수정

Better Horses

Make horses better!


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말 수정

Better Prisoners

Makes prisoners less annoying. You no longer have to worry about them being auto ransomed or escaping if you want.


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죄수 도망 기능 수정

Calradia Expanded Kingdoms

Welcome to Calradia Expanded: Kingdoms. This mod introduces 8 additional Kingdoms to the world of Calradia and reforges the existing Kingdoms of Calradia and their lands to fit the Calradia Expanded U


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칼라디아 왕국 확장 추가

Start as a small Kingdom - SAVEGAME

Save Game where you start as the ruler of a small independent Empire Kingdom with a Town and a Castle.


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작은 왕국에서 시작 플레이

Kingdom Of Livonia

A fictional kingdom inspired by knights. If you like the medieval period, then you'll like this created kingdom. Combination of Teutonic, Templar, and Hospitaller with my own tweaks and ideas.


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중앙 섬 왕국 추가

Xorberax's Cut Through Everyone - Fixes-1.6.4

Try to fix Xorberax's Cut Through Everyone mod for version e1.6.4


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무기 멀티히트 가능하게

Don't Stop Me Now (mounted combat tweaks)

Gives some control over mechanics related to mounted combat and brings a few new ones.


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말 충돌 피직스 수정

Royal Armoury FIX

The Royal Armoury Mod adds Royal Armouries to each Town's Keep, offering a selection of culture specific expensive and/or rare items for purchase.


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고급 무기 상점 추가

More Income and More Production

This mod increases prices of basic trade goods such as fur or salt by 50% and more luxurious goods and final products by much more. This results in more income from workshops, more income from manual


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더 많은 수입과 더 많은 생산량

Food More

Wine & oil = food. Again. (Optional) And flax, clay, salt, spice...


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음식 추가

Neekio's Donate Food To Towns and Castles

Adds a granary menu to the keeps of all clan towns and castles. You can donate (add) grain for starving garrisons / towns to avoid the negative food & prosperity loop.


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주둔지에 식량창고 추가

Turbo Smithing (Updated)

Updated version of Turbo Smithing mod. This mod adds batch smelting and refining. Press Ctrl to smith/smelt selected item 100 times at once and Shift to smelt/smith selected item 5 times at once.


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대장간 단축키

Viking Hammer

This mod add a new weapon called 'LeMarteau' either one or two handed ina nordic style


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바이킹 해머 무기 추가

More throwable Polearms

This Mod makes more Polearms throwable.


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자벨린 던지는 폴암 추가

Reign of Sword - new weapons pack

This mod adds some new sharp tools of mass destruction.


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AEW - Adonnay's Exotic Weaponry

Adds a couple of unique weapons to the game. The weapons can either be crafted or won at tournaments.


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무기 추가 모드

Legolas Longbows (Fast Bows. Cut-Through Arrows. Improved Archery. Usable on Horseback.)

Less 'realistic', more Legolas!- Much faster arrow nocking and shooting (almost like Legolas in the LOTR movies)- Cut-through arrows (just like the Moria scene in Fellowship of the Ring)


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레골라스 활 추가

Arena Overhaul

A variety of tweaks and gameplay changes to make arena and tournament experience more enjoyable and rewarding on all stages of the game.


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토너먼트 아레나 오버홀

Balanced Tournament Armor

Makes tournament participants all wear the same basic armor, as well as healing participating heroes to full HP


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평등한 토너먼트 방어구 

Raise Relation With Town And Village

- Option to raise the relation with the notables of town or village- Option to raise the morale of player party and the relation with the companion within party- Option to raise the power


도시 마을 동료 관계 개선

Serve as soldier

A reimplantation of the freelancer idea


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프리랜서 비슷한 병사로 플레이

Better Save and Load

Adds functionality for quick loading and incremental quick saving, as well as auto saving before and after battles


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세이브 기능 추가

No Intro

Removes the boring intro/credits at the start of the game


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게임 시작시 인트로 삭제

Xorberax's Legacy

This collection provides a working update to some of the great mods originally developed by Xorberax all compiled into a single module.This pack incorporates MCM integration. Granting the


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레거시 모드 호환성 복구

Object has already been initialized fix

A simple utility to fix the 'Object has already been initialized' error introduced in e1.7.0. This is just a quick and simple patch until it is addressed in native. Enjoy!


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Object has already been initialized fix

BUTRLoader (Launcher)

Extends the native launcher.Adds support for community used metadata that fixes sorting issues with mod load order! It will sort correctly Harmony, UIExtender, ButterLib and MCM.Also autom


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런처 모드

모드 업데이트 중지로 작동 불가 모드

Minor Troop Overhaul

Hireable Minor faction troops with new T5 units, Reblanced Armed Trader, new bandit troops, Armed traders, militias are able to upgrade to each culture''s minor faction troop.


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마이너 병종 추가

Configurable Improved Smithing with Bulk Recipes

New bulk recipes! Adds a configurable way to change stamina costs and researching new parts as well as a configurable options to change chances of rolling higher tier items and their bonuses as well a


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대장간 파츠 커스텀

Xorberax's Training Field

Allows you to train your troops at the training field and at arenas.


병사 훈련장

Xorberax's Scholars of Calradia

Adds a chance for scholars to visit towns, allowing you and your companions to attend their lectures and gain experience in specific skills.


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대학에서 스킬 배우기

Forge For Me

Created on e1.5.3.In a town where smithy exists, you can buy forged weapon and enhance your weapon :- Enhance Menu: You can enhance your equipped melee weapon- Refine Menu: Refine th


장비 강화

Random Events

Introduce random events to your campaign! These may help or hinder your hero with many different scenarios and will occur periodically throughout the game. Hope you’re feeling lucky!


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랜덤 이벤트 추가

Weapon Part Workshop for 1.6.4

A stable version of Weapon Part Workshop by Ryank516 in e.1.6.4


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대장간 무기파츠 추가

모드 계속 추가 예졍

마운트 앤 블레이드 2 배너로드 한글 패치

배너로드 1.6.3~1.6.5 한글패치 1. 기존 스킬 화면 퍽에 적용되는 역할군 첫번째만 뜨던거 2개 다 뜨도록 수정함 ex) 한손 무기 첫번째 퍽에 (개인) 이라고만 떠서 2번째 효과 어디에 적용되는지 안나


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마운트 앤 블레이드 2 배너로드 트레이너

1.6.3 1.6.4 베타 트레이너 참고: 싱글 플레이어 모드 전용 옵션 전투 옵션 Alt+Num 1 - 무한 체력 Alt+Num 2 - 무한 말 체력 Alt+Num 3 - 무한 방패 내구도 Alt+Num 4 - 무한 파티 건강 Alt+Num 5 - 원히트 킬..


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