제노블레이드 2 튜토리얼 - jenobeulleideu 2 tyutolieol

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter One: Encounters
  3. Chapter Two: Aptitude
  4. Chapter Three: Our Own War
  5. Chapter Four: Aegis
  6. Chapter Five: Masters and Slaves
  7. Chapter Six: Wounds
  8. Chapter Seven: The Fear She Carries
  9. Chapter Eight: World Tree
  10. Chapter Nine: Rain
  11. Final Chapter: And thus, boy met girl
  12. Tutorials
  13. Regular Quests
    1. Chapter One
    2. Chapter Two
    3. Chapter Three
    4. Chapter Four
    5. DLC Quests
    6. Blade Quests
    7. Trophy Quests
  14. Locations
    1. Shops & Deeds
    2. Heart-to-Hearts
  15. Blades
    1. Legendary Blades
    2. Rare Blades
  16. Item List
    1. Weapon Chips
    2. Aux Cores
    3. Accessories
    4. Collectibles

Chapter One

Difficulty Select

Tutorial - Select Difficulty Level

You can change the difficulty settings any time from Main Menu > System > Options > Game Settings.

New Game Plus

Tutorial - New Game Plus

After beating the game you will unlock the option to play through the game again. Most things such as character levels will carry over to NG+, and new features will be unlocked. Features or changes which occur during NG+ will appear in blocks such as this one, with a header that contains a black background on white text. Except for this block, all other text will be contained under a spoiler block.

What Carries Over

  • Driver's levels.
  • Equipment and advancement of Drivers and Blades.
  • Bonded Blades
  • Obtained gold and items.
  • Area Dev Levels and Merc Group rank.
  • Events Theater and Unique Monster defeat status.
  • Play time.

Additional Features

  • Bond with certain Blades from Torna.
  • Meet certain Blades from Torna in the game world and bond with them.
  • All Blades can be dispatched on Merc Missions.
  • Unlock Driver's hidden Affinities to develop them further.
  • Lower characters' levels when resting at an inn, and pocket the EXP difference as Bonus EXP.
  • Exchange Bonus EXP for special items.
  • Unlock Zeke's Eye of Shining Justice.


  • All quests, Heart-to-Hearts, and Skip Travel points will be reset.
  • Completed Merc Missions will be reset.
  • If a currently dispatched Blade is necessary for story progression, they will be removed from the Merc Group.
  • Any Blades engaged with Rex using his Master Driver ability at the game's end will return to their original Driver.
  • Roc, Aegaeon, and the Unnamed Core Crystal Blade will be made available again as the story progresses.
  • When you save after starting New Game Plus, save data from your first playthrough will be overwritten.
Engaging In Battle

Tutorial - Engaging in Battle

Time to earn your lunch! To initiate combat, the first thing Rex needs to do is draw his weapon. To draw your weapon, simply press A while targeting an enemy. To display the target, just press R. You can tell which enemy you're targeting by the target marker displayed above its head. Incidentally, you can also sheathe your weapon if you'd rather not continue a fight. It's as simple as holding down R and pressing B. If you approach the targeted enemy with your weapon drawn, you'll execute attacks automatically. This is your standard auto-attack. Got all that? Then it's time to draw your weapon and start preparing your lunch!


Tutorial - Auto-Attacks

Auto-attacks are delivered in sets of three. The attack power increases with each blow.

Driver Arts

Tutorial - Driver Arts

Take a look at the icons in the lower right of the screen. When one of these activates, it means an Art isready to use. Arts are special techniques distinct from auto-attacks. The icons are laid out like the controller buttons, so just press the corresponding button to use one! After using an Art, you'll have to wait until the recharge gauge surrounding the icon has refilled before you can use it again. The recharge gauge will refill as you auto-attack enemies.Try pressing X now to let rip with Rex's Anchor Shot Art.

Art Effects

Tutorial - Art Effects

The enemy just dropped something! This is an item called an HP Potion. Maneuver Rex to the HP Potion to pick it up. It'll restore some of his HP. Some Arts, like Anchor Shot, will always cause the enemy to drop an HP Potion. Should you use your Arts immediately to deal serious damage, or save them for when you need bonuses like that HP boost? Consider your Arts tactics carefully.


Tutorial - Landmarks

Looks like our adventure's about to really get going! And you can count on me to offer timely explanations of any new game features you encounter! When you close this tutorial screen, you'll see "Goldmouth Return Port" pop up on the screen. This is letting you know you've found a landmark. When you've discovered a landmark, you can return to it instantly with Skip Travel, at any time. If you're defeated in battle, you'll be returned to the last landmark that you visited. Alrest has a great variety of landmarks, so discover as many as you can to help you on your adventure! And, just in case you ever find yourself struggling with the basic controls...

Press Left, Up or Right to bring up a quick explanation of the control scheme.

  • Left is for battle controls,
  • Up is for camera controls, and
  • Right is for field controls
Regular View

Tutorial - Regular View

Let me tell you a few things you might find useful! First up, I'll explain the regular view. See what the arrow is pointing to right now? That's the compass. The mark on the compass indicates the direction that Rex should be heading in. The digits above the compass show the distance to your destination. If Rex's destination is higher than his current position, then you'll see a little arrow above the market. Conversely, if it's at a lower altitude than Rex's current position, then the arrow will be displayed below the mark.

Next up, let's take a look at the environmental information that the arrow mark is pointing to right now. This will key you into info about your immediate surroundings, like the weather,time of day and so on. Next, the mini-map! You can use this to get a quick grasp of Rex's surroundings. The yellow marker in the middle shows Rex's current location, and the direction he's facing. Push L3 to switch between a full-screen or mini-map view. Confident adventurers might prefer to make their way through Alrest without using the mini-map.

Lastly, we have the "Current Objective" As you might expect, this tells you exactly what Rex is supposed to be doing at the present time. You can toggle its visibility with ZR, so take a look if you're ever unsure about what to do next. Right now, it's telling you to go and pay a visit to Melolo at the Central Exchange, so try doing that!

Camera Controls

Tutorial - Camera Controls

Hold up a second! Before I forget, I should probably explain how to control the camera! The camera has two modes: manual and auto. To use manual mode, just use (R) to point the camera in whichever direction you like. If you press R3 while the camera's in manual mode, the camera will hone in on Rex's back and follow him around. This is what we call auto mode. You can also adjust the camera's height and zoom. Hold down L and move R3 left and right to adjust camera height, or up and down to adjust zoom. If you experiment with different camera angles, then you might be able to spot a few things that you might otherwise have missed, so give it a try!


Tutorial - Quests

You accepted a quest! There are two types of quests: regular quests, and ones that are part of the main story. You'll need to complete main story quests to advance the main story. The direction of the next location is shown on the compass as a pink exclamation mark icon. A word of warning, here. The pink icon will not appear on the compass at the top of the screen unless you set a quest as active. Feel free to ignore this feature if you're a seasoned veteran, but rookie adventurers would do well to remember to set active quests whenever possible! Ordinary quests aren't vital for the main story. Follow the blue exclamation mark icon to get to the next destination. Alrest is full of people who could use a little help. You'll be able to spot them pretty easily, since they'll have a blue question mark icon above their heads. If you speak to them, they'll usually open up to you about their problems and request some kind of help. These are the regular quests that I mentioned earlier! I'm sure if you manage to solve their problems, they'll give you some kind of reward for your trouble!


Tutorial - Accessories

You finally got that Abyss Vest you always wanted! It'll boost your maximum HP by 24%. Right now, the Abyss Vest is the only accessory you have, but you're sure to encounter a whole lot more during your adventure! Just remember, you'l need to equip accessories to benefit from their effects. Go to Main Menu > Characters > Character Setup > Accessories to do so.


Tutorial - Salvaging

Time to learn about salvaging! The icon you can see in from of Rex right now marks what you call a "Salvage Point". As long as you have cylinders handy, you can go salvaging at one of these points at any time. Follow the on-screen instructions and hit the buttons at just the right time to get your hands on some treasure. Time it right, and you'll get high-quality treasure, but if your timing's off, the value of the treasure will decrease. There are Salvage Points all over Alrest, and the type of treasure varies from point to point, so if you find a new one, be sure to give it a try!

By the way, if you're short on cylinders, you can buy them at any salvager's shop. You'll find these shops all across Alrest. An expensive cylinder is likely to get you better quality treasure, but even a cheap one can yield a decent haul. So use your gold as you see fit! For the moment, you'd better use the cylinder that Rurui gave you, and see how it goes!


Tutorial - Lodgings

Let me quickly explain about lodgings. When you take a short rest in a lodging facility like an inn, you can use any bonus EXP you've earned to boost your level! Bonus EXP is the experience that earn when completing quests or discovering landmarks. Be sure to rest at inns on occasion, so you can use it! If you've come up against a foe that you just can't beat, do a few quests to build up your bonus EXP, then go to a lodging facility and level up! On the other hand, if you're the type that likes a challenge, you're free to never level up at lodgings at all. It can be fun to live dangerously! Anyway, you've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow. You'd better get some shut-eye!

NG+ - Lodgings Extended and Bards

New Game Plus - Lodgings and Traveling Bards

While you are playing New Game Plus, you'll be able to lower your Drivers' levels as well as raise them whenever you rest at an inn. The EXP difference from lowering a level will be added to the Bonus EXP pool. You can talk to traveling bards to exchange Bonus EXP for valuable items. The traveling's bards' location will be marked on the minimap with a green shop icon. If you currently have shop icons hidden, you can change this setting on the Skip Travel screen.


Tutorial - Shops

A number of shops are now available for you to use! You'll find a whole range of different traders as you journey across Alrest. Argentum Trade Guild is known as the hub of Alrest's commerce, so naturally, you'll find a plethora of different shops here. While you're here, you should make sure you've got everything you need before you head out on adventures!

Pouch Setup

Tutorial - Pouch Setup

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you about something important...Rex's pouch! Rex never goes anywhere without his handy pouch. It's great for putting his favorite items inside so that he always has them close to hand. Rex's pouch isn't that big - it can hold just one handy item at a time. So what should you put in your pouch? Well, usually the sort of everyday items you'll find at lifestyle shops. Just keeping them close by can have all sorts of effects! There are 12 different types of lifestyle shops across Alrest, so if you encounter a new one, be sure to check it out!

Trading Shops

Tutorial - Trading Shops

Before you head off on your big job, I'd like to explain a little something about selling items in Alrest. You may have already made use of them, but there are business called item trading shops that specialize in taking treasure off your hands. If you sell off items as a whole set, you'll earn a bunch more money than if you sold them off individually. So when you find precious treasures, don't just sell them off cheap at a regular shop. See if you can put together sets for trading shops and make a tidy profit!

Change Order

Tutorial - Change Order

You've just acquired new comrades to accompany you on your adventure! You can adjust the setup of your party in Main Menu > Characters > Change Order. No matter how many friends you make, you will never be able to take more than three party members into battle at once, so choose carefully! The character set to No. 1 in Change Order will be the character that you control. No two characters fight in exactly the same way, so you should experiment with a few and find who fits your play style the best.


Tutorial - Lure

It's time to let you in on a handy battle tactic... How to lure enemies! If you target an enemy from a distance without drawing your weapon and Press V, you can lure an enemy toward you. It's useful for taking out a herd of enemies one by one, or for when you'd prefer to fight an opponent in a wider space. Try luring that enemy in front of you now! First, target it with R, then press V to lure it over!


Tutorial - Rage State

See that aura effect glowing around the enemy? This indicates that the enemy is in a rage state. Certain enemies have a tendency to become enraged when their HP dips below a certain level. Enemy's stats will increase when enraged, so be careful - they might be tougher than you expect.


Tutorial - Drivers

Rex has been brought back from death's door as the Driver of the Aegis. So you might need a quick primer on how a Driver fights! The first thing you need to know about is Affinity. See that bond of light connecting Rex and Pyra? This represents the Affinity that exists between them. When Affinity glows golden, it's a sign that the minds of Blade and Driver are in harmony. Movement speed will go up, and recharging Arts will speed up. You can strengthen Affinity in battle by staying physically close to your Blade and hitting home with as many attacks as possible. On the other hand, if there's too much distance, Affinity weakens, which will weaken the Driver in turn. Keep Rex's Affinity with Pyra in mind when fighting Malos!

Blade Arts

Tutorial - Blade Arts

Just now, Pyra activated a special effect that boosts your accuracy. This type of in-battle assistance is called a Blade Art. Blade Arts are one of many tools in a Blade's arsenal, and Blades will use them automatically during battle to support their Driver. The better the Trust between Driver and Blade, the more support the Driver will receive. As for Trust...that's a topic for later. We can go into the details when you've gained a bit more exerience as a Driver. Right now, you should probably focus on defeating Malos.


Tutorial - Specials

See the gauge that just filled up? That's the icon for your Special. Specials are among the most powerful attacks in a Driver's arsenal, far ouclassing ordinary Arts. Specials are charged up by attacking with Arts. You can charge Specials to three levels of power. If you use an Art at the precise moment that an auto-attack hits home, you'll charge up specials more than usual. When you do this, you'll see a success indicator. Also, when you use a Special, you'll need to execute a button challenge. Follow the prompts on screen and hit the buttons at just the right time to multiply the damage dealt. Attacking an enemy with a Special may even give you a chance to perform a Blade Combo...but I'll tell you more about that another time.

Blade Combos Part 1

Tutorial - Blade Combos Part 1

Right, now let's talk Blade Combos. After you assault an enemy with a Special, you'll see a gauge at the top of the screen indicating the window of opportunity in which you can use a Blade Combo. The possible Routes for the Blade Combo will also be displayed on screen. If you can hit the enemy with another, higher-staged special before the gauge runs out, you'll deal much more damage than a regular special.

The enemy's just been hit with a Special. I'll bump up your Special level for you just this once, so try to catch them with a Blade Combo!

Chapter Two

Driver Stats

Tutorial - Driver Stats

I'm sure you're itching to get searching for Gramps and Nia, but I should warn you that you'll probably encounter a few enemies on the way! You'll want to be prepared for that, so I'd better quickly fill you in on how Rex gets stronger and improves his capabilities. Among the things you'll earn for completing a battle are two important types of points: WP and SP.

WP stands for Weapon Points. You can think of these as a measure of the level of skill that Rex has with his weapon, and you'll need them to level up Arts. The same Art will deal much higher damage to enemies at higher levels, so it's worth strengthening your Arts at the earliest opportunity! Give it a go by heading to Main Menu > Characters > Character Setup > Enhance Arts.

SP, meanwhile, sands for Skill Points. These represent how well Rex is trained in his battle techniques, and they're used to unlock passive skills. Try giving Rex some new skills in Main Menu > Characters > Character Setup > Affinity Chart.

Let me take this chance to bend your ear quickly about Driver stats. Every Driver has a few basic ones, name HP, Strength, Ether, Dexterity, Agility, and Luck.

  • HP: the Driver's health; they'll fall if it drops to 0
  • Strength: affects damage from physical Arts.
  • Ether: affects damage/healing from Ether Arts.
  • Dexterity: affects attack accuracy.
  • Agility: affects chance to evade enemy attacks.
  • Luck: makes it easier to resist enemy debuffs/reactions.
Blade Stats

Tutorial - Blade Stats

Hold on! I almost forgot to tell you about something really important - how to develop your Blade's capabilities! There are three main ways to develop a Blade: weapon modification, equipping Aux Cores, and the Affinity Chart. Weapon modification is exactly what it sounds like. A Blade's weapon is tied to them from the moment they're awakened, so it can't just be replaced... You can apply Core Chips to weapons in Main Menu > Characters > Blade Setup > Weapon Modification. If you come across a shop selling Core Chips during your adventure, it's always a good idea to invest in some new ones!

Next, let's talk about the Affinity Chart. This is a chart which shows the range of proficiencies available to a specific Blade. Here's where you can acquire or enhance abilities like Arts, or Field Skills. Field Skills can be a great help in removing obstacles from your path.These abilities and power-ups can be had by fulfilling the conditions for the Affinity Rewards on the Affinity Chart. There's a whole host of goals for your to aim for. You can take a look at Affinity Rewards here: Main Menu > Characters Blade Setup > Affinity Chart.

Finally, we have Aux Cores. These are like accessories specifically for Blades to equip. Perhaps it's a little too soon to tell you about Aux Cores though. I'll save the details for when you've actually got hold of one.

Collection Points

Tutorial - Collection Points

What you're looking at right now is a Collection Point. Check here to uncover collectible items. You'll find Collection Points all over Alrest, and each area will have its own selection of items to discover. Also, there are some Collection Points where you can use Blade's Field Skills to find special collectible items that you couldn't get otherwise. The collectibles that you find are sure to come in handy during your adventure, so if you come across a Collection Point, be sure to check it out!

Field Skills

Tutorial - Field Skills

Looks like something's blocking your way up ahead. But if your Blades have the right Field Skills, then you might be able to overcome obstacles like this! Try investigating that fallen tree.


Tutorial - Obstacles

As you can see, you used Pyra's Fire Master to burn it up and get it out of your way. If you want to see all the Field Skills Pyra can use, go to Main Menu > Characters > Blade Setup > Info. There's a lot of places in Alrest that you won't be able to get to if you don't have the right Field Skills. Even if an obstacle seems impassable at first, it's worth getting a bit closer to see if you can do something about it. Anyway, let's keep moving and see if we can find Nia anywhere!


Tutorial - Weaknesses

Before you help Nia out, let me explain a little about how to fight when you have multiple Drivers in your party. The icon that the arrow is pointing to indicates its weakness. Since it's a fire icon, this enemy is weak against fire. So Pyra's got something of an advantage here! Next let's talk about how to get party members back on their feet. When a Driver's HP hits zero, they'll be incapacitated. As long as you have at least one section filled in the Party Gauge, you can move over to an incapcitated party member and press A to revive them. Even if you're incapacitated yourself, your party members can come and revive you in the same way. You just need enough charge in the Party Gauge! I also need to tell you about Blade Combos... But to do that, first we'll need to launch a Special. I'll fill up your Special Gauge this time, so fire away!

Blade Combo Part 2

Tutorial - Blade Combo Part 2

You should try out a Blade Combo going from a Fire-element Sepcial to a Water-element one. First up, trigger Pyra's level 1 Special! To link a Blade Combo, you'll need to use a Special one level higher than the previous one. I'll bump Nia's Special Gauge up to Level 2, so press ZL to trigger it!

Treasure Troves

Tutorial - Treasure Troves

Ah, it looks like you've found a treasure trove! But as you may have noticed, it's a little different from the regular kind. The icon above the box indicates that you'll need the help of your Blade's Field Skills to open it. But even if you can't open a treasure trove right away, there's no need to despair. If you develop your Blades and help them acquire Field Skills from the Affinity Chart, someday you'll surely be able to open it up and see what's inside.


Right, it's time for your first big hike to Torigoth! Around this point, you'll want to start paying attention to the level of Trust between Blade and Driver. Trust is a vital resource that you need to unlock levels on your Blade's Affinity Chart. So if you want to maximize the support that you get from your Blade, you need to make winning their Trust a priority. When you complete a quest, you'll build Trust with whichever Blade you're with. Trust goes up when you achieve maximum Affinity in battle as well. Affinity bonds will shine with a golden color when they're at their height. Right now, I'd say it's time we set off for Torigoth.

Unique Monsters

The world of Alrest still contains many zoological enigmas, just waiting to be solved. If you try targetting all sorts of enemies, you'll occasionally encounter ones whose target icon looks different from that of normal enemies. We call those unique monsters, and they're a little bit special. Unique monsters are much tougher than the regular kind. Even the strongest Drivers in Alrest often have trouble with them. So if you take down a unique monster, you'll surely earn the respect people all over Alrest! That said, they're not a challenge for the faint-hearted. You'll want to make sure you're prepared if you plan on surviving the powerful attacks they often wield.

Cloud Sea Tides

The Titans of Alrest are surrounded by the Cloud Sea. And as Rex and his friends were just discussing, the Cloud Sea has tides that come and go. The shifting tides will close off places that you could once visit, as well as opening up places that you couldn't reach, so plan your adventure accordingly! You can check the status of the Cloud Sea's tides by looking at the environmental information indicator.Take a look at the newly-added icon in the top right corner. If the Cloud Sea's level is above the median line, it means the clouds are high tide. Conversely, if it's below the median line, it means the clouds are currently at low tide.

Town Development

Tutorial - Town Development

You've arrived in Torigoth, Gormott's largest settlement! So now's a good time to talk about developing towns. Towns in Alrest are rated according to their level of development. This is called their Development Level or Dev Level for short. A town's development Level can be raised by earning Dev Points. When a town's Dev Level goes up, then you can expect the price of goods in shops to go down! Some shops might even expand their ranges and sell never-before-seen products. You can earn Dev Points by completing quests and resolving resident's difficulties. It's also possible to earn a few Dev Points just by talking to the people you meet. You can view the Dev Level of a town any time you go shopping, and also by going to Main Menu > Skip Travel. As a public-spirited citizen of Alrest, you should do all you can to raise the Dev Level of its settlements!


Tutorial - Shopping

Have you been shopping yet? If you make it to a new town, be sure to check out what the local merchants have to offer! There's a good chance they'll have a few new products that were previously unavailable to you! You might even want to use Skip Travel to head back to Argentum and see how the goods here compare to the ones there.

Cancel Attacks

Tutorial - Cancel Attacks

It's time for me to tell you about cancel attacks! If you execute an Art at the precise moment that an auto-attack connects, a ring of light will appear around you.This ring of light tells you that your cancel attack has been successful. A successful cancel attack will be more effective than an Art executed normally. Also the recharge gauge will fill up faster afterwards, so you can really get an advantage from using cancel attacks. The effect of the cancel attack will increase with the stage of the auto-attack, so try to execute it on the third blow to get the most bang for you buck!

Blade Combos Part 3

Tutorial - Blade Combos Part 3

You may have got the gist for yourself already, but let me go into a little more detail on Blade Combos.The indicator the arrow is pointing at right now represents a combo request from a Blade currently engaged by the character you're controlling. this is displayed when one of your currently engaged Blade's Specials would be able to initiate a Blade Combo...

...and also when one of those Blade's Specials would be able to extend a Blade Combo that's currently in progress. Blade Combos can have massive impact on the battlefield, so try not to miss these opportunities!

Bonding Blades

Tutorial - Bonding Blades

Rex's ability to resonate with Core Crystals has been unlocked! You can bond with a Blade at any time by going to Main Menu > Blades > Bond Blade. Core Crystals aren't much use just lying around, so it can't hurt to resonate with them and see what you get! Also, the higher a Driver's luck stat value, the better their chances of awakening certain very special Blades. Once you have yourself a new Blade, you'll need to engage it so that it can take part in battle. Add Blades to your battle party in Main Menu > Characters > Character Setup > Engage Blades. Up until now, Rex has had to rely on Pyra alone for support in battle...

...but now you'll be able to engage a variety of other Blades and expand your support options! To take advantage of different Blades in battle, press the directional button corresponding to each Blade's face icon and perform a Blade Switch. In no time at all, the Blade who was previously supporting you will retreat, and the new Blade will take their place on the battlefield! Of course, switching Blades will change both your weapon and your available Arts. Different weapons have different benefits and drawbacks in battle, so use Blade Switches tactically after considering the current situation.

Aux Cores

Tutorial - Aux Cores

Since you're standing in front of an Aux Core shop, let's revisit the topic of Aux Cores for a moment. At shops like these, you can get your Aux Cores refined. You'll need collectible items to refine Aux Cores. The number of collective items you'll need is defined individually for each Aux Core. Once you have all the collectibles you need, you can head to the shop to get your Aux Core refined. But watch out! the higher the value of the Aux Core, the more difficult it's likely to be to find all the necessary items. If you want to be able to refine your Aux Cores as soon as you get them, you'll need to always be on the lookout for Collection Points on your travels! Aux Cores can be equipped to Blades in Main Menu > Characters > Blade Setup > Equip Aux Cores.


Tutorial - Poppi

Behold Poppi, the world's first Artificial Blade! Poppi can't equip Aux Cores, but she has something just as good for customizing her abilities: Poppiswap! You can access Poppiswap by going to Main Menu > Characters > Blade Setup (Poppi α) > Poppiswap. To make use of the Poppiswap feature, you'll need to get a hold of certain items via the Tiger! Tiger! game. Player Tiger! Tiger! as much as you can to make Poppi into her best self!

Roles and Classes

Tutorial - Roles and Classes

Looks like you've got Nia back safe and sound! Now you've got three members in your party, I should explain about roles and classes. Blades are born with a role: Attackers (ATK), Healers (HLR), and Tanks (TNK). For example, Pyra is an Attacker, and Dromarch is a Healer. The types of Blade that a Driver engages will determine their fighting style. Each Driver's fighting style will fall into certain categories, called Classes. Some Classes emphasize attack, some defense, or some strike a balance between Roles, and each Class has its own special effects. It's up to you whether you just want to engage your favorite Blades, or strategically select Blades to achieve a certain Class. Do whatever's best for your play style! Generally, Blades can't change Roles. As an Artificial Blade, Poppi is the exception. She can change her Role using her Poppiswap feature. Try your hand at Tiger! Tiger! to try and get hold of the Role CPUs that you'll need to change Poppi's Role in Poppiswap! Now, if you got all that, let's get back to the game and make our escape!

Heart to Heart

Tutorial - Heart-to-Heart

See that icon floating over there? It indicates the location of a Heart-to-Heart talk. Heart-to-Hearts are important events that let your party members grow closer together as friends. You'll run into these icons all over Alrest, so it's a good idea to check them out as you encounter them! To view a Heart-to-Heart, you'll need to have the right people present in your party, at the right time of day. You can view the conditions by accessing the icon. The more Heart-to-Hearts you view, the bond of Trust and Affinity between you and your Blade will deepen!


Tutorial - Aggro

Now we've got ourselves a decent sized party, it's worth knowing how to deal with aggro. I daresay you've already noticed, but while a Driver is being attacked by an enemy, they'll be marked with a red ring. We call this the "Aggro Marker". The wedges on the market point to the targeting enemy or enemies, showing the direction you're being attacked from. Aggro is a measure of an enemy's aggression toward the Drivers they're fighting. The more viciously you attack an enemy, the more it'll want to attack you back. Drawing aggro is dangerous for Healers. Since they have low HP, they're more likely to be incapicated by attacks. Make sure to keep Nia's aggro low! Drivers that have defense-oriented Classes are better equipped to draw aggro and absorb enemy attacks. So, right now, it's better for Tora to have the most aggro. Drivers with Fighter-type Classes are the ones that focus on dealing damage to the enemy. That's Rex, so make him the mainstay of your offense! Here's the cheat sheet: Defenders take the hit, Healers heal Defenders, and Fighters hurt the enemy. Well, now you know about aggro, and Driver Class. That's two things to keep in mind while you're giving Dughall what-for.

Level 4 Specials

Tutorial - Level 4 Sepcials

Well now! It seems it's finally time to talk about level 4 Specials. Level 4 specials are more...special than the Specials you're used to. You can't charge them up by using Arts. How do you use them, then? Well, you just need to stay physically close to your Blade. If you stay close to your Blade, your Level 4 Special gauge will increase. When the gauge is full, activating the Special will make Driver and Blade unite in body and soul to deliver a truly spectacular attack!

Chapter Three

Long Rest

Tutorial - Long Rest

You now have the option to take long rests at lodging facilities. This lets you rest until the tides of the Cloud Sea have shifted. If you find that your way is blocked due to the shifting tides of the Cloud Sea, then just go back and have a long rest, whether you're tired or not. Since the tides of the Cloud Sea change every time you have a long rest, it's wise to check the Cloud Sea status in the environmental information display first. Oh, and you should bear in mind that it's not possible to take a long rest at every single lodging facility in Alrest. But you certainly can in Torigoth, which is just as well, because Torigoth is quite sensitive to the comings and goings of the Cloud Sea!

Concentration Icon

Tutorial - Concentration Icon

You're up against a whole bunch of fierce opponents! Here's a little tip that might come in handy when taking on multiple enemies. Perhaps you've made use of it already, but that thing the arrow is currently pointing to is called the concentration icon. When you're taking on multiple enemies, even if you switch the leader's target, your allies won't switch theirs. They'll carry on attacking the same enemies. If you feel like you need some help, just press Left, the button for the concentration icon, and your allies will all hone in on the same enemy as you. In a crowded battle, the order you choose to take down enemies in can mean the difference between victory and utter failure. Make good use of target-switching and have your allies concentrate on enemies, and you might find a way out of some sticky situations. Now, protect Pyra!

Driver Combos

Tutorial - Driver Combos

That Vandahm guy is a pretty effective teacher. Thanks to his lesson, Rex's Anchor Shot Art now has the ability to inflict Topple on foes! However, just using Anchor Shot on its own won't generally be enough to Topple the enemy. To inflict Topple, you'll first need to destabilize the enemy's stance with a Break effect. Nia has an Art that can inflict Break on the enemy, so for maximum effect, wait for her to set you up before unleashing Anchor Shot!

Looks like one of you has inflicted Break! See the gauge the arrow is pointing at? This is the Diver Combo gauge, and it will appear whenever someone inflicts Break on the enemy.Use an Art that has a Topple effect before that gauge runs out, and you'll have the opportunity to inflict major damage. This is what we call a Driver Combo. A Driver Combo can be extended through up to four stages in total: Break > Topple > Launch > Smash. You'll find Rex and his friends have a variety of Arts that can be integrated into a Driver Combo, so try to find the best way to link them all together! For now, though, why don't you take advantage of Nia's Break effect and Topple that Ardun with your Anchor Shot?

Chain Attacks

Tutorial - Chain Attacks

It's time you learned to take your teamwork to the next level. Introducing Chain Attacks, a way for your whole party to deal massive damage to the enemy! First, let's take a look at the Party Gauge. We may have touched on this before, but it has more uses than just getting your allies back on their feet! When all three section of the Party Gauge are fully charged, you're ready to launch a Chain Attack by pressing +. During a Chain Attack, each of your party members in turn can choose one of their currently engaged Blades to perform a Special with. For example, first Rex might choose to use a Special with Pyra, then Nia might choose Dromarch, and finally Tora can use one with Poppi. Once everyone's had a turn, that's a single round. What's more, during a Chain Attack, you have the opportunity to destroy those unhelpful element orbs that attach to your enemies when using Specials. If you use a Special with an opposing element against an element orb, it'll be easier to smash, and you'll do massive damage if it does smash. So think carefully about the order in which you summon your Blades, and which Specials you use. Then, when you next start a Chain Attack the Party Gauge will be replaced with the Full Burst Gauge. The Full Burst Gauge will fill up a little each time you smash an element orb, and when it's full, a Full Burst will initiate. And, as you might have guessed, when a Full Burst initiates, your enemies will be on the wrong end of massive damage! Earlier I told you that you'll need to hit home with a level 3 Blade Combo to add an element orb. But this time, let's just add a Water Orb to Akhos for free. I'll drop you a little hint so that you can smash the orb effectively: You're better off striking with a Special that has the opposite element, which in this case, is Fire. I've maxed out your Party Gauge for you, so why don't try hitting the + Button and trying out a Chain Attack for yourself?

Chapter Four

Mercenary Missions

Tutorial - Mercenary Missions

The Merc Group menu is now open! Access it from Main Menu > Merc Group.

Looks like you've become the leader of the Garfont Mercenaries. Congratulations! Let's take a moment to go over what Yew just told us. Mercs can expect to field requests for all kinds of missions. Usually, you'll get a notification on the right of the screen when a new Merc Mission Becomes available, but you can also check them in the menu. The next point is about the importance of making sure you build the right team for the job. For each mission, you'll need to put together a squad of Blades. If you look carefully at the job details, you should be able to figure out which skills you'll need the Blades you send to have. By the way, your mercenary band has a rank of its own, which can be raised by completing certain missions. When you think the band might be ready to size up to the next level, go and talk to Yew - I'm sure he'll point you in the right direction. Raising your Merc Group's rank allows you take on more challenging missions, so it's worth doing. Best of luck! I'm sure you'll be a great Merc leader!

Branching Quests

Tutorial - Branching Quests

A branching quest has begun! As the name suggests, this is a quest that can be cleared in more than one way. First up, we need to check the footprints. If you've resonated with a Blade that has the right skill for the job, then you'll get through this quest easily. But, if you don't have a Blade like that in your arsenal, then you should speak to Otto. He'll give you a hint towards another way to your goal.


Tutorial - Mythra

Well now! It seems Pyra will be taking a much-deserved break for the next while and a half, so now's your chance to work more closely with Mythra. Mythra wields powers that overshadow Pyra's with her level 4 Special, Sacred Arrow, calling down shafts of destructive light from the sky above. What that means though is that its use would be limited in places where the sky is obstructed; for example by a roof. Make sure to plan accordingly!

Chapter Five

Pyra and Mythra

Tutorial - Pyra and Mythra

You can now summon Mythra or Pyra depending on Rex's requirements. To switch them outside of battle, got Main Menu > Characters > Pyra (Mythra) and press Y. During battle, you can switch between them by pressing the button assigned to Pyra and Mythra's Blade Switch icon. Unlike with a regular Blade Switch, there's no cooldown timer for changing between Pyra and Mythra, so feel free to switch it up whenever!

Tutorials from Chapter 7 and beyond are considered Spoilers for the purpose of this guide.

Tutorials which occur this late in the game are generally related to major events in the plot, and therefore should be considered Major Spoilers. Do NOT continue reading if you are sensitive to such spoilers.

Chapter 7

Blade Nia

Tutorial - Blade Nia

Nia has unleashed her true power! Now Rex can engage Nia as a Blade. Naturally, Nia can still maintain her Driver form while traveling. When you want to engage Nia as a Blade, go to Main Memu > Characters, then slect the Driver Nia and press Y. When you want to travel with Nia in her Driver form, go to Main Menu > Characters, then select the Blade Nia an press Y.


Tutorial - Pneuma

Finally, Pyra has tapped into her true power. In this tutorial, I'll explain about making the most of her in her ascended state. In normal battles, you can achieve Pyra's ascended state when both Pyra or Mythra's Affinity and the Party Gauge are at maximum level. When you've fulfilled both of these conditions, press X while holding down R to trigger the transformation. When Pyra launches a Blade Combo in her ascended state, her power to make whatever she imagines real lets her choose any combo route to trigger. To select a combo route, press Up or Down when a combo request comes through. Pyra is incredibly powerful in her ascended state, but she can only sustain it for a limited time. Keep an eye on the gauge, as it indicates how long the state will last. But you don't need to worry about that right now. There's no time limit in this particular battle, so feel free to go town with Pyra's true power!

Chapter Eight

Master Driver

Tutorial - Master Driver

Rex is a Driver of the Aegis! The power of the Master Driver has awoken within him! This means that Rex can freely engage Blades that originally resonated with other Drivers.

Master Driver part II

Tutorial - Master Driver Part II

You're engaging Brighid right now, so you'd better live up to the exacting standards set by Morag! Make sure to use Brighid's capabilities to their fullest extent.

Pneuma Part II

Tutorial - Pneuma Part II

If you try to fight Infernal Guldo in the usual way, you're going to struggle to take him down. you'll have a much easier time of it if you activate Pyra/Mythra's ascended state. Just this once, I'll fill up the Party Gauge and the cooldown timer for you so that you can achieve the ascension and fight to your best advantage. When the Party Gauge is at maximum capacity, unleash Pyra/Mythra's ascended state by pressing X while holding down R.

The section above contains Tutorials which occur during or after Chapter 7, and should therefore be considered Major Spoilers. Do not read above if your are sensitive to such spoilers.



Tutorial - Poppibuster

You can now engage the Poppibuster as a Blade! Currently, he's engaged on Rex. However, you can engage the Poppibuster to any Driver (except Tora) at any time without having to spend an Overdrive Protocol. To do so, simply select him on the right Driver's Engage Blades Screen. Feel free to use the new-built power of the Poppibuster in whatever way best suits your battle needs!