Stay 영어 뜻 - stay yeong-eo tteus

여기서의 "stay"는 남겨진다 라는 의미를 가진 것 같아요. 이 노래에서 그는 자신이 한 곳에 잡혀있는, 움직일 수 없는 감정을 표현하고 있는데요. 삶이 더이상 예전같지 않다는 걸 반복적으로 노래하고 있다는 점을 보았을 때, "stay"는 아마도 남겨져버린, 앞으로 나아가지 못하는 감정을 표현하는 것 같아요. "stay"가 "behind"와 함께 쓰이는 걸 자주 보실텐데, 이는 어떤 장소에서 다른 사람들이 다 떠나고 남겨져 있다는 의미가 있습니다. 예: I'm going to stay behind. I don't feel like going anywhere. (난 남아있을게. 어디 갈 기분이 아니다.) 예: Are you going to stay behind at school? We are leaving now. (넌 학교에 남아있을 거야? 우린 지금 떠날 거야.)

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1. 머무르다, 체류하다, 숙박하다, 남다, 묵다, 머물다

※활용:stay - stayed - stayed, staying, stays

I hope you will enjoy your stay in America.
미국에서 즐거운 체류가 되시기 바랍니다.
It's boring to stay.
엄첨 따분하다.
I'd like to extend my stay.
숙박을 연장하고 싶은데요.
You need to go home and stay in bed until your fever is down.
집에 돌아 가서 열이 내릴 때까지 누워 있으세요.
You stay in the same class for another year.
너는 한 해 더 유급이다.
Enjoy your stay and visit us again soon.
즐거운 시간을 보내시고 조만간에 또 방문해 주세요.
Whatever situation you find yourself in, don't panic. Stay calm.
어떤 상황이어도 당황하지 말고 침착해라.
It is all the same to me whether you stay or go.
너가 떠나든 머물든 나하고는 상관없는 일이다.
Sometimes you should stay your anger.
때로는 화를 참지 않으면 안된다.
Everybody here in the hotel wants to make your stay a comfortable and enjoyable one.
이 호텔의 모든 관계자들은 손님이 쾌적하고 즐겁게 머무시길 바랍니다.

유지, 숙박 스테이

  • 스테이(Stay)는 다음과 같은 뜻이 있다.
  • 심태윤
  • 《스테이》는 2005년 영화이다.
  • "Stay"는 리한나의 노래이다.

    Definition of stay in English Dictionary

  • 명사 (Noun)PLstays
    1. (nautical) A strong rope supporting a mast, and leading from one masthead down to some other, or other part of the vessel.
      1. A guy, rope, or wire supporting or stabilizing a platform, such as a bridge, a pole, such as a tentpole, the mast of a derrick, or other structural element.
        1. The engineer insisted on using stays for the scaffolding.
      2. (chain-cable) The transverse piece in a link.
        1. A prop; a support.
          1. (archaic) A fastening for a garment; a hook; a clasp; anything to hang another thing on.
            1. That which holds or restrains; obstacle; check; hindrance; restraint.
              1. A stop; a halt; a break or cessation of action, motion, or progress.
                1. (archaic) A standstill; a state of rest; entire cessation of motion or progress.
                  1. stand at a stay
                2. A postponement, especially of an execution or other punishment.
                  1. The governor granted a stay of execution.
                3. A fixed state; fixedness; stability; permanence.
                  1. Continuance or a period of time spent in a place; abode for an indefinite time; sojourn.
                    1. I hope you enjoyed your stay in Hawaii.
                  2. (nautical) A station or fixed anchorage for vessels.
                    1. Restraint of passion; prudence; moderation; caution; steadiness; sobriety.
                      1. A piece of stiff material, such as plastic or whalebone, used to stiffen a piece of clothing.
                        1. Where are the stays for my collar?
                      2. OBS Hindrance; let; check.
                      3. 동사 (Verb)SGstaysPRstayingPT, PPstayed
                        1. VT (nautical) To incline forward, aft, or to one side by means of stays.
                          1. stay a mast
                        2. VT (nautical) To tack; put on the other tack.
                          1. to stay ship
                        3. VI (nautical) To change; tack; go about; be in stays, as a ship.
                          1. VT To prop; support; sustain; hold up; steady.
                            1. VT To stop; detain; keep back; delay; hinder.
                              1. VT To restrain; withhold; check; stop.
                                1. VT To put off; defer; postpone; delay; keep back.
                                  1. The governor stayed the execution until the appeal could be heard. ‎
                                2. VT To hold the attention of.
                                  1. VT To bear up under; to endure; to hold out against; to resist.
                                    1. VT To wait for; await.
                                    2. VI To rest; depend; rely.
                                      1. VI To stop; come to a stand or standstill.
                                        1. VI To come to an end; cease.
                                          1. That day the storm stayed.
                                        2. VI To dwell; linger; tarry; wait.
                                          1. VI To make a stand; stand.
                                            1. VI To hold out, as in a race or contest; last or persevere to the end.
                                              1. That horse stays well.
                                            2. VI To remain in a particular place, especially for an indefinite time; sojourn; abide.
                                              1. We stayed in Hawaii for a week. I can only stay for an hour. ‎
                                            3. VI To wait; rest in patience or expectation.
                                              1. VI (used with on or upon) To wait as an attendant; give ceremonious or submissive attendance.
                                                1. VI To continue to have a particular quality.
                                                  1. Wear gloves so your hands stay warm. ‎
                                                2. To support from sinking; to sustain with strength; to satisfy in part or for the time.
                                                  1. OBS To remain for the purpose of; to wait for.
                                                    1. To cause to cease; to put an end to.
                                                      1. To fasten or secure with stays.
                                                        1. to stay a flat sheet in a steam boiler
                                                    2. 형용사 (Adjective)COMstayerCOMmore stayCOMstaylierSUPstayestSUPmost staySUPstayliest
                                                      1. (Britain dialectal) Steep; ascending.
                                                        1. (Britain dialectal) (of a roof) Steeply pitched.
                                                          1. (Britain dialectal) Difficult to negotiate; not easy to access; sheer.
                                                            1. (Britain dialectal) Stiff; upright; unbending; reserved; haughty; proud.
                                                            2. 부사 (Adverb)COMstayerCOMmore stayCOMstaylierSUPstayestSUPmost staySUPstayliest
                                                              1. (Britain dialectal) Steeply.
                                                              2. 더 많은 예제
                                                                1. 문장 중간에 사용됨
                                                                  • After the trial period, she was asked to stay on and work full-time.
                                                                  • He should stay off the dance floor with his two left feet.
                                                                  • "If you can't stay sober you need a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous."
                                                              • 품사 계층 (Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)
                                                                1. 형용사
                                                                  • 부사
                                                                    • 명사
                                                                      • 셀 수 있는 명사
                                                                      • 동사
                                                                        • 자동사
                                                                          • 타동사

                                                                        관련 링크:

                                                                        1. en stayed
                                                                        2. en staying
                                                                        3. en stays
                                                                        4. en stay'd
                                                                        5. en stayer

                                                                        출처: 위키낱말사전

                                                                        Meaning of stay for the defined word.

                                                                        문법적으로, 이 워드 "stay" 는  형용사. 그것은 또한 부사. 그것은 또한 명사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 셀 수 있는 명사. 그것은 또한 동사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 자동사타동사.

                                                                        어려움: 수평 1

                                                                        쉽게     ➨     어려운

                                                                        확실 함: 수평 9

                                                                        확실    ➨     다목적


                                                                        최신 우편물
