스카이림 mcm 오류 - seukailim mcm olyu

2019년 4월 13일 오후 5시 49분

SSE FNIS and SKSE and MCM starting error.

I open with the current version of SKSE as admin. FNIS tool runs fine with no errors before startup. No MCM after startup. The game works (still at the beginning about to get decapitated). I use Vortex as mod manager, and it tells me skyui is redundant.
Everything seems to be current and loaded properly.

The error looks like this:

"FNIS sexy move stopped with errors
FNIS version 0.0.0 older than required
SKSE not started"

I can't find anything like it online or here. I've had nothing but trouble with SSE. I went back an loaded Oldrim and played. It works fine. None of the issues with SKSE, etc.

Any ideas?

게시된 날짜: 2019년 4월 13일 오후 5시 49분

게시글: 6

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