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(�� ���� by : LivingLagacy ��)

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  1. Boards
  2. Final Fantasy IX
  3. FF9 on PC - why are all my attacks suddenly doing 9,999 damage?

Masquerouge 6 years ago#1

I am very early in the game, my party is level 6. Just cleared out the ice caverns.

I've just noticed there is a sword icon at the bottom of the screen with 9999 above it. And now all my attacks do 9,999 damage.

How did that happen? Can I deactivate it?

hulmunara 6 years ago#2

press f3

Masquerouge (Topic Creator)6 years ago#3

hulmunara posted...

press f3

Ooooh. Must have pressed it by accident, thanks!

Arnzillazor 6 years ago#4

This happened to me as well. Thanks!

"Necessity is the mother of invention."

unwashed_masses 6 years ago#5

If you're using a controller, be careful about pushing the shoulder buttons while the game is paused as that turns on the boosters. Also same with whatever other buttons or keys activate the four temporary boosters. In the bottom right corner you can see little symbols showing what boosters you activated.

  1. Boards
  2. Final Fantasy IX
  3. FF9 on PC - why are all my attacks suddenly doing 9,999 damage?


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