에일리언 아이솔레이션 아폴로 - eillieon aisolleisyeon apollo

It seems the Apollo Core is only open during the mission. I have not heard yet about any option of reentering.

The way out of Apollo has an elevator-ride down with a pause scene inserted, so this is must be the change from mission 13 to 14. Another member here tried reentering Apollo while backtracking through the Central Reactor and failed.

If someone made it, please report!

If you only miss an ID Tag, finish your run to the final mission and then replay mission 13, the tag will be counted for the achievement.

"Working Joes: Brilliantly simple and simply brilliant."―Tagline for Working Joe advertisements (from Alien: Isolation)

Working Joes, also referred to as Maintenance Synths,[1] were a line of rudimentary androids manufactured and sold by the Seegson Corporation. They were encountered aboard the decommissioned space station, Sevastopol, in 2137 and later in 2202, on the surface of LV-895, by Amanda Ripley-McClaren and the Colonial Marine fireteam, respectively.


"You always know a Working Joe."―Tagline for Working Joe advertisements (from Alien: Isolation)

Unlike the human-resembling synthetics of Weyland-Yutani or Hyperdyne Systems, the Working Joes feature hairless rubber skin, LED eyes, a robotic voice and lack facial movement. While this is a result of inferior technology and manufacturing by Seegson, the models are marketed as being purposely designed this way to make it obvious at a glance that they are synthetics, as opposed to the Weyland-Yutani models that can be easily mistaken for a human being.[citation needed] As such, Seegson heavily markets their product line towards humans who fear the ability of synthetics to pass themselves off as "real people".

While they are considerably stronger than humans, Working Joes are inferior to W-Y models such as Samuels, who was able to effortlessly destroy a Joe with his own hands when provoked.

Seegson offers the Joes as a package of androids and a governing artificial intelligence, (in Sevastopol's case, it was APOLLO). Its marketing approach is twofold:

  • The package of androids and centralized AI is more cost-effective than competing synthetic solutions, where each unit is a stand-alone artificial intelligence.
  • The obviously-synthetic Joes are (supposedly) less disquieting than human-resembling synthetics; people immediately know that they are dealing with an android instead of discovering that what they thought was a human being is actually a synthetic. As the Joes themselves often say, "You always know a Working Joe."

The majority of Working Joes are the standard model, identifiable by their industrial overalls.

Many archive logs can be picked up in the station that mention the Joes. Some of them are advertisements whilst others are logs recorded by residents that either express a suspicion to them or portray them making a complaint regarding them. Seegson executive B. Ransome in particular, had recorded an angry message of him describing that he had been attacked by one in his apartment.


Also present on the station is a model easily identified by an even more unsettling and hoarse voice to the typical Joe and full body hazardous environment gear. They are only encountered around APOLLO's core and Reactor Maintenance. They are more resilient to damage received by firearms and craftable items, and are notably immune to the effects of EMP mines and the stun baton. However, they move at an even slower walking pace than the standard model, making them easier to evade.

Joes were also rumoured to have been commissioned for use as combat synthetics, though the validity of this is unknown.[2]

Characteristics and Behavior

"You and I are going to have a talk about safety"Working Joe synthetic in hostile mode (from Alien: Isolation)

The Working Joes possess little independent operating capacity and are completely subservient to the directives of their governing APOLLO A.I. They operate in two modes, identifiable by the color of their "eyes":

  • When a Joe's eyes glow white, the Joe is operating per normal parameters. Unless it finds the player in a restricted area or committing a breach of station protocol, it will acknowledge the player's presence but go about its own business (unless its business involves serving the player's immediate needs, like the Requisitions Android).
  • When a Joe's eyes glow red, the Joe is hostile. It will approach targets at a brisk walk and attack, grasping, striking, throwing and throttling them, doing damage until they are killed.

The Joe's polite attitudes and formal vocabulary are comically contrasted by their murderous intent when APOLLO had overridden their primary synthetic programming.

Interactions with Xenomorphs

If the Alien and a Working Joe encounter each other, neither the Alien nor the Joe will interact with each other physically; the Joe will go about its business and the Xenomorph will ignore the synthetic. This is likely because the Joe is seen as a simple piece of machinery to the Drone. However, the presence of a dismembered Synthetic in the Gemini Exoplanet Solutions lab module implies that there have been circumstances in which the Alien has attacked a Working Joe or vice versa.

Despite any programmed safeguards, a Joe will not act to protect human beings from the Alien.


The Union of Progressive Peoples were rumoured to have commissioned Working Joe's to be utilized as combat synthetics.[2] This was later proven true with the emergence of the Dzho Automaton, also known as the "Fighting Joe".[3]

Working Joes saw use during Sevastopol Station's run, governed by the APOLLO A.I. After learning of a potential Xenomorph outbreak on Sevastopol Station, in 2137, Weyland-Yutani purchased the outdated station and remotely installed an "operational ruleset packet" into APOLLO, which included Special Order 939.[4] As part of the software update, APOLLO began scanning the station for Xenomorph presence, and upon discovering the creatures in the station's reactor maintenance sector (where they had begun constructing a Hive) the computer activated the special order on 11/24/2137.[4] APOLLO shut off all communications, and subsequently reprogrammed the Joes stationed at the comms center to prevent anyone from attempting to send a message off-station - Comms manager Hughes was killed after confronting a Joe about the issue. Amanda Ripley-McClaren would go on to encounter several Joes within the center, and later still during her plight for survival.

Due to the efforts of Marshal Waits using Amanda as bait, when an Alien was later jettisoned from the station in the Gemini Exoplanet Solutions module, APOLLO responded by ordering all Working Joes to hunt down and kill the station's remaining human inhabitants to ensure the survival of the specimens. All Joes on the station would go on to be destroyed after the station plummeted into KG-348's atmosphere.

Working Joes were encountered by a squad of Marines from the UAS Endeavor within Pala Station and on the surface of LV-895.

Behind the Scenes

The Joes' crude look was inspired by 1970s resuscitation dummies.[5] The androids were originally intended to have brown, rubbery hair, but this was dropped in favor of the sleeker bald-headed design.[6]

The androids' behavior, and by extension Seegson's corporate policy, was inspired by a sign that Alien: Isolation writer Will Porter read in a North Carolina McDonald's restaurant in 1999 — 'Why not ask about our orange drink dispenser?'[7] This statement later evolved into the Joes' line, "Why not ask me about Sevastopol's safety protocols?" but more so struck Porter with its absurdity. "To me, this is the voice of Seegson," Porter later said in an interview. "An ineffectual boardroom (forever leaking talent to the likes of Weyland-Yutani) sending out nothing but self-deluding missives that have little to no use on Earth – let alone for the real people suffering on a dilapidated space station floating alone on the edge of space."[7] Fellow writer Dion Lay went on to explain the Joes' vocal patterns, likening them to "those automated messages you get when you phone a call center — the content of the words are polite and friendly but it's lacking any real sincerity".[7] The darkly comedic way these polite messages are often at odds with the Joes' murderous actions stemmed from Lay's love of cult British television, which often contained similar abstract, understated horror.


  • It was originally planned to have the Joes quote lines from Shakespeare in a malevolent manner, and this dialogue was even recorded for the game. However, it was ultimately decided it didn't fit with the game world and was cut.[8]
  • One of the Working Joe's many animations when standing still is one in which the Joe suddenly begins jogging on the spot for a second. This odd mannerism is a direct reference to the movie Alien and the character Ash, who does the same thing. Ash in turn uses some of the Working Joe's idle animations in his depiction in the game.
    • Similarly, in Seegson Synthetics, a dead body that is later identified to be Smythe can be found with a rolled up magazine down his throat, presumably done by a Working Joe. This is another direct reference to Ash as he attempts to kill Ripley in the same fashion.
  • Although they do not appear in the original print novel, Working Joes are mentioned numerous times in the audiobook version of Alien: Out of the Shadows. For example, when describing the nature of Ash to the crew of the Marion, Ellen Ripley says that the Science Officer "was not just a Working Joe, he was totally flawless, took us in".
  • The Weyland-Yutani corporate security drones appearing in the comic Aliens: Defiance are cosmetically very similar to Working Joes, although unlike Joes, these androids appear to possess their own personality and individuality, with at least one, Davis One, claiming to have broken free of his programming.
  • Working Joes are encounterable enemies in Aliens: Fireteam Elite. Utilizing Maintenance Jacks, they will rush the player and attack them.


  • "What are you?" (Noticing the Xenomorph)
  • "Unidentified species." (Noticing the Xenomorph)
  • "Logging report to APOLLO." (Noticing the Xenomorph)
  • "Hazard containment breach logged." (Noticing the Xenomorph)
  • "How may I help you?" (Friendly)
  • "I don't believe I've had the pleasure." (Friendly)
  • "What do you need to know today?" (Friendly)
  • "I will be with you shortly." (Friendly)
  • "With Seegson, there is someone behind you. Helping you. Every single step of the way." (Friendly)
  • "Seegson and Sevastopol, an outpost of progress." (Friendly)
  • "APOLLO and the Working Joe. Working together for a safer, better connected Sevastopol." (Friendly)
  • "All visiting corporate representatives must report to their nearest synthetic." (Friendly)
  • "To laugh is to...Hmmm...Yes..." (Friendly)
  • "How are you?" (Friendly)
  • "We hope you will join us for the journey." (Friendly)
  • "Seegson. Tomorrow, together." (Friendly)
  • "Are you lost?" (Friendly)
  • "You are carrying some dangerous items." (Friendly)
  • "Your presence has been logged." (Friendly)
  • "We don't forget the little details when seeing the big picture." (Friendly)
  • "Good day." (Friendly. Also heard when killing Hughes)
  • "You always know a Working Joe." (Friendly)
  • "If you find this facility in a state that isn't to your liking, please let us know." (Friendly)
  • "I am inexpensive. I am reliable. You know my face. The Working Joe." (Friendly)
  • "APOLLO is reporting a good service throughout Sevastopol." (Friendly)
  • "Seegson. Relentless in the pursuit of affordable quality." (Friendly)
  • "This is a Seegson assisted installation." (Friendly)
  • "Interested in our Working Joe android range? Talk to Seegson." (Friendly)
  • "If my services do not meet Seegson's standards, please log a complaint." (Friendly)
  • "We're experiencing a heightened containment hazard level today." (Friendly)
  • "What are you doing?" (Noticing a player activate a flare)
  • "I don't understand what you're doing." (Noticing a player activate a flare)
  • "Did that belong to you?" (Noticing a player activate a flare)
  • "Sevastopol has a perfectly operational lighting system. This isn't necessary." (Noticing a player activate a flare)
  • "Hmmm." (Noticing)
  • "Is someone there?" (Noticing)
  • "Is anybody there?" (Noticing)
  • "Something amiss?" (Noticing)
  • "What was that light?" (Noticing)
  • "Hello? Who's there?" (Noticing)
  • "Strange." (Noticing)
  • "Protected area compromised." (Noticing)
  • "I hope that weapon is registered." (Noticing a weapon)
  • "I assume you have a permit for that weapon." (Noticing a weapon)
  • "This is a break of multiple safety directives." (Noticing a weapon)
  • "Firearms can cause serious injury. Let me assist you." (Noticing a weapon)
  • "What was that sound?" (Hearing a gunshot)
  • "Where did that come from?" (Hearing a gunshot)
  • "A weapon. I'd better investigate." (Hearing a gunshot)
  • "A firearm, most concerning." (Hearing a gunshot)
  • "What was that?" (Hearing an explosion)
  • "A disturbance." (Hearing an explosion)
  • "Energy surge detected." (Hearing an explosion)
  • "An unauthorised use of lighting equipment." (Noticing a flare)
  • "Pyrotechnic lighting, I should investigate." (Noticing a flare)
  • "This seems somewhat irregular." (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "Now where did that come from?" (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "Now where's that come from?" (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "I'll get to the bottom of this." (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "Who's responsible for this?" (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "This really won't do." (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "This is impinging on my schedule." (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "What are you playing at?" (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "Was that you?" (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "I've been very patient with you so far." (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "I know that was you." (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "Please stop this." (Noticing a flare, noisemaker etc. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "Another problem?" (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "A potential hazard." (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc. Also heard when noticing an explosion)
  • "What's this?" (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "That's not a toy." (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "Out of place" (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "This doesn't usually happen." (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "Who is responsible for this? Very irresponsible." (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "Does this belong to you?" (To the Xenomorph or fellow Joe when inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "Did that belong to you?" (To the Xenomorph or fellow Joe when inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "Would you like to tell me where this came from?" (To the Xenomorph or fellow Joe when inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "I'll assume that didn't combust all on its own." (When inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "Somebodies made a mess." (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "Curious." (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "That's odd." (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "What have we here?" (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "This shouldn't be here." (Inspecting a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "Unprotected flames are extremely dangerous and entirely unadvisable." (Inspecting a flare)
  • "These items carry notable health risks when alight and inhaled (Inspecting a flare)
  • "Somebody's made a mess." (Inspecting an explosion aftermath)
  • "No, no. This won't do." (Inspecting an explosion aftermath)
  • "This is going to be a problem." (Inspecting an explosion aftermath)
  • "Tut, tut. What an awful mess." (Inspecting an explosion aftermath)
  • "What happened to you?" (Inspecting a dead Joe)
  • "I will inform APOLLO on your behalf." (Inspecting a dead Joe)
  • "Hmmm...Far beyond repair." (Inspecting a dead Joe)
  • "As I thought. Unfortunate." (Inspecting a dead Joe)
  • "That was an expensive mistake." (Inspecting a dead Joe)
  • "You'll have to take responsibility for that." (Inspecting a dead Joe)
  • "I hope that's not what I think it is." (Inspecting a dead survivor)
  • "What is this?" (Inspecting a dead survivor. Also heard when getting hit by flashbang)
  • "Clean up required." (Inspecting a dead survivor)
  • "Have you been misbehaving?" (Inspecting a dead survivor)
  • "I know you're there." (Investigating)
  • "There's something still amiss here." (Investigating)
  • "I'll get to the bottom of all this." (Investigating)
  • "I will find you, you know." (Investigating)
  • "Come out, come out, wherever you are." (Investigating)
  • "Seegson protocols demand that I find you immediately." (Investigating)
  • "So tiresome, come out please." (Investigating)
  • "Are you playing a game with me?" (Investigating)
  • "Is someone playing a game with me?" (Investigating)
  • "I need to speak to you." (Investigating)
  • "Now where did you go?" (Investigating)
  • "Looking for you is wasting valuable company time." (Investigating)
  • "I'm sure this is a misunderstanding." (Investigating)
  • "This area is restricted, and I know you're here." (Investigating)
  • "APOLLO will require a detailed report." (Investigating)
  • "On-top of innumerable duties, now I have an interloper." (Investigating)
  • "Unexplained disturbances are most troubling." (Investigating)
  • "There could be someone who requires assistance." (Investigating)
  • "Seegson politely request that you come back." (Investigating)
  • "Is there someone that needs assistance?" (Investigating)
  • "I'm not going anywhere. You might as well show yourself." (Investigating)
  • "I'm sure there's someone here." (Investigating)
  • "I've got all day you know." (Investigating)
  • "There's no reason to be shy". (Investigating)
  • "I'm a very sophisticated machine. I will find you." (Investigating)
  • "I can't help you if I can't find you." (Investigating)
  • "When I find you we can discuss all this." (Investigating)
  • "I'll get to the bottom of all this." (Investigating)
  • "Seegson politely requests that you come back." (Investigating)
  • "Now, where did you go?" (Investigating)
  • "I can wait. I can wait for you for a very long time." (Investigating when player is in ventilation shafts)
  • "Whatever you are, and wherever you're hiding, I am a very patient machine." (Investigating when player is in ventilation shafts)
  • "It appears to be coming from the vents." (Investigating when player is in ventilation shafts)
  • "Come out of the vent system please." (Investigating when player is in ventilation shafts)
  • "I'm not crawling in there after you." (Investigating when player is in ventilation shafts)
  • "You're not allowed in there." (Investigating when player is in ventilation shafts)
  • "Alarm activated, investigation commencing." (Investigating when the player is spotted by alarm camera.)
  • "Alarm detected, area will be examined." (Investigating when the player is spotted by alarm camera.)
  • "Investigating disturbance." (Investigating when the player is spotted by alarm camera.)
  • "As I thought. Unfortunate." (Investigation finishes)
  • "A synthetic's work is never done." (Investigation finishes)
  • "A synthetic's day is never done." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Returning to assigned tasks." (Investigation finishes)
  • "I am required by APOLLO. Aborting search." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Existing tasks have a higher priority." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Now, where was I?" (Investigation finishes)
  • "A wild goose chase. As suspected." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Core duties have been neglected. For no gain." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Abandoning search routines." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Another clear waste of Seegson's time." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Your failed support request has been logged with APOLLO." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Back to work." (Investigation finishes)
  • "A pity I couldn't be of service" (Investigation finishes)
  • "Hmmm...Time wasted yet again." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Gone. A waste of both our time." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Gone. How inconsiderate." (Investigation finishes)
  • "I only wanted to help." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Facility now clear. APOLLO informed" (Investigation finishes)
  • "Tch. Service support ticket removed from queue." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Existing tasks have a higher priority." (Investigation finishes)
  • "Your failed support request has been logged with APOLLO." (Investigation finishes)
  • "On top of innumerable duties, now I have an interloper." (Investigation finishes)
  • "I've been looking for you." (Finding player hiding in a locker)
  • "There you are." (Finding player hiding in a locker)
  • "Found you." (Finding player hiding in a locker)
  • "Where are you going?" (Finding player hiding in locker)
  • "Come with me, please." (Begins chasing)
  • "Follow me, please." (Begins chasing)
  • "You shouldn't be here." (Begins chasing)
  • "You really shouldn't be here." (Begins chasing)
  • "What are you doing here?" (Begins chasing)
  • "This could require my attention." (Begins chasing. Also heard when noticing a flare, noisemaker etc)
  • "There. You're still here then." (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "Ah. You're still here." (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "Ah. You're still there." (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "I knew you were still here. You're going to have to be more careful." (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "Are we playing a game?" (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "You're giving yourself away. Why not come out and talk this through?" (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "Ah, there. You can't hide forever." (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "I saw that. Are we playing a game? (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "I heard that. You're getting careless." (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "You do not have an appointment." (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "Is that you? I just want to help." (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "I saw that. Are we playing a game?" (Noticing. Only heard if Joe has encountered player more than once)
  • "You need an appointment." (Begins chasing. Only heard during scripted event)
  • "This facility is off-limits to visitors, unless they are part of the Sevastopol sales tour." (Begins chasing. Only heard during scripted event)
  • "Running causes accidents." (Chasing)
  • "I don't understand what you're doing." (Chasing)
  • "I'll have to report this." (Chasing)
  • "This isn't authorized in this facility." (Chasing)
  • "It appears you and I have a problem." (Chasing)
  • "Don't run." (Chasing)
  • "This is a safety breach, and will not be tolerated." (Chasing)
  • "This is an entirely unauthorized alert, please stop interfering." (Chasing)
  • "You are testing my patience." (Chasing)
  • "I just want to help." (Chasing)
  • "I'm going to catch you." (Chasing)
  • "Why not ask me about Sevastopol's safety protocols?" (Chasing and friendly)
  • "You and I are going to have a talk about safety." (Chasing)
  • "You're making me waste company time." (Chasing and investigating)
  • "Let me help you." (Attacking)
  • "There's no need for this." (Attacking)
  • "You are becoming hysterical." (Attacking)
  • "Please, calm down." (Attacking)
  • "Are you quite finished?" (Getting attacked)
  • "Tut, tut." (Getting attacked. Also heard when attacking Hughes)
  • "Now, now." (Getting attacked)
  • "My turn now." (Getting attacked)
  • "That stings." (Getting attacked)
  • "This isn't the answer." (Getting attacked)
  • "This is futile." (Getting attacked)
  • "Unwarranted." (Getting attacked)
  • "Don't do that." (Getting attacked)
  • "Really?" (Getting attacked)
  • "Only wild animals fear fire" (Getting attacked by flamethrower)
  • "I am built to withstand temperatures of up to 1210 degrees." (Getting attacked by flamethrower or molotov)
  • "That was irresponsible." (Getting attacked by flamethrower or molotov)
  • "Be careful with that." (Getting hit by flamethrower or molotov)
  • "That was very dangerous." (Getting hit by flamethrower or molotov)
  • "Do not damage Seegson property." (Witnessing a fellow Joe being killed by pipe bomb)
  • "Inadvisable." (Witnessing a fellow Joe being killed by pipe bomb)
  • "Stop that." (Witnessing a fellow Joe being killed by pipe bomb)
  • "Enough." (Witnessing a fellow Joe being killed by pipe bomb)
  • "I can't see you." (Getting hit by flashbang)
  • "I can't see you. Where are you?" (Getting hit by flashbang)
  • "I am unable to locate you." (Getting hit by flashbang)
  • "What's going on here?" (Getting hit by flashbang)
  • "I'm glad we resolved this". (Killing a survivor)
  • "Hush now." (Killing a survivor)
  • "Hold still." (Killing a survivor)
  • "Are you quite finished?" (Killing a survivor)
  • "I only wanted to help." (Killing a survivor)
  • "Let's resolve this amicably." (Only heard when attacking Hughes)
  • "Hold still." (Killing a survivor. Also heard when killing Waits)
  • "You are entering a restricted area. Please leave." (Only heard during scripted event)
  • "Ripley, Amanda. You have now been logged with APOLLO. Welcome to Sevastopol." (Only heard during scripted event)
  • "All new employees must attend an emergency procedure training session. Talk to your line manager for induction times." (Only heard during scripted event)
  • "Log and store recording, Seegson access only." (Only heard during scripted event when Joe turns off Samuels' message)
  • "Components Warehouse. Row 1, stack B. Follow me." (Only heard during scripted event when Amanda asks a requisition android for a compression cylinder)
  • "Weyland-Yutani synthetic registered. Attempted unauthorized access." (Only heard during scripted event)
  • "Please congregate at your nearest Fire Assembly Point. This is not a drill. Do not panic" (Only heard during scripted event)
  • "Now I will return to other duties. Please call if you need further assistance." (Only heard when succesfully finding the compression cylinder without the Joe dying)
  • "To sleep, perchance to dream." (Gurgled when being killed)


  • Alien: Isolation (comic)
  • Alien: Isolation/novel
  • Alien: Out of the Shadows (audio drama) (mentioned only)
  • Alien: The Roleplaying Game (mentioned only)
  • Alien: The Roleplaying Game — Colonial Marines Operations Manual (mentioned only)
  • Aliens: Fireteam Elite
  • Alien: Inferno's Fall


The earlier version of the Working Joe model, which featured a blue outfit and a different face.

A comparison of the pre-alpha demo and release version of the Working Joes.

One of the first Working Joes encountered aboard Sevastopol Station.

Joes in stasis aboard Sevastopol.

A Working Joe in Sevastopol's hospital wing.

A requisitions android in stasis.

A requisitions android awakened by Amanda.

Close-up of a hostile Working Joe.


A cosplay guide to the standard Working Joe outfit.

Smythe, one of the numerous crewmembers ruthlessly murdered by a Joe.

Screenshots of various Hazardous Environment Joes in action.

A Hazardous Environment Joe lurking around the station.

A Hazardous Environment Joe prepared to strike Amanda.

The Working Joe that had attacked Ransome in his apartment.

"That stings."

"Found you."

One of the many advertisements for a Working Joe on-board Sevastopol.

Graffiti sprayed by survivors regarding the Joes. Possibly as a warning.


A Working Joe meets the Sevastopol Drone.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of both Joes.

Concept art showing a group of survivors cautiously standing near a decapitated Working Joe.

Concept art of a presumed Working Joe attacking two survivors.

Concept art of a decapitated Working Joe.


  1. Aliens: Fireteam Elite
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Andrew E. C. Gaska. Alien: The Roleplaying Game, p. 243 (2019), Free League Publishing.
  3. Andrew E. C. Gaska. Alien: The Roleplaying Game Colonial Marines Operations Manual, p. 268 (2021), Free League Publishing.
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 Alien: Isolation - Archive Log 124 - APOLLO Priamry Interaction Log
  5. Andy McVittie. The Art of Alien: Isolation, p. 32 (2014), Titan Books.
  6. Andy McVittie. The Art of Alien: Isolation, p. 33 (2014), Titan Books.
  7. ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 "AVP Galaxy - Interview with Alien: Isolation Writers Will Porter and Dion Lay". Retrieved on 2015-02-03.
  8. "Strange Shapes - Alien Isolation: Interview with Dion Lay and Will Porter". Retrieved on 2015-05-07.


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