Config 파일 메모장 - Config pail memojang

CONFIG는 구성 파일입니다.

CONFIG 파일은 다양한 응용 프로그램에서 사용하는 구성 정보 파일입니다. 프로그램 작성 또는 실행을위한 설정 또는 환경 설정을 정의하는 일반 텍스트 매개 변수를 포함합니다. CONFIG 파일은 종종 응용 프로그램 구성을 위해 소프트웨어 개발 프로그램에서 참조합니다.

예 : CONFIG 파일은 Microsoft의 Web.config 파일이며 Visual Web으로 편집 할 수 있습니다. 개발자, Microsoft Visual Studio에 포함 된 프로그램. 이 파일에는 개별 페이지에서 전체 ASP.NET 응용 프로그램에 이르기까지 웹 사이트 작동 방식을 제어하는 ​​XML 구성 정보가 포함되어 있습니다.

참고 : CONFIG 파일은 일반 텍스트로 저장되므로 Microsoft 메모장과 같은 텍스트 편집기를 사용하여보고 편집 할 수 있습니다. 그러나 CONFIG 파일은 파일을 손상시키고 관련 응용 프로그램의 오작동을 일으킬 수 있으므로 먼저 내용을 모르면 편집하지 않아야합니다.

구성 파일을 여는 프로그램.

I know this question has been asked before and I have read many answers from various forums regarding this issue but I have never ever been able to find my actual configuration files for Notepad++.

I have been using Notepad++ for many years and periodically something will happen or I will change computers and I will have to reinstall it and then reconfigure ever setting all over again since I have no prior config files that I can just copy back. Very frustrating.

I have always set a "DoLocalConf.xml" in the install directory because it has been said that this will store settings in the install directory (but doesn't). I have also looked in the folder: user / Roaming / appdata for notepad++ and the settings are not there either (even though the folder exists depending on if I have creatd DoLocalConf.xml or not). -- To be more specific - the CONFIG files are there but they never change after I have setup my preferences and such.

I use Beyond Compare to diff them every time and they stay identical and the timestamp does not change. A very simple example is I go to preferences, set "show close button", "draw vertical line", Set backup directory, ... and then close Notepad++ and none of the notepad++ xml files get updated. I don't understand how this is possible. Every once in a while I will spend hours reading forums and searching for these settings only to finally give up until the next time I have to reinstall. There must be something else to check where they are stored.

I have a Windows 7 professional setup and (currently) using the latest Notepad++ 6.2.3

Dave M

13.1k23 gold badges36 silver badges47 bronze badges

asked Dec 19, 2012 at 18:00


The configuration files are typically stored in the user's roaming app data folder. I have a standard Notepad++ setup (v6.1). I made no modifications during installation. My config files are stored in:


Which resolves to:


I verified this by opening %appdata%\Notepad++\config.xml and checking the value for <GUIConfig name="StatusBar"> tag, which was set to show. I then went into Settings -> Preferences and unchecked the "Show status bar" checkbox. I then closed Notepad++ and reopened the config.xml file. The value now shows hide instead of show.

If you did check the "Don't use the %APPDATA% folder" option at install time, Notepad++ may be trying to write configuration files to your install directory but failing, or the Windows compatibility layer may be giving you a virtualized version of the install directory to write to. In that case I would uninstall, and reinstall using standard settings.

answered Dec 19, 2012 at 18:09


61.4k17 gold badges150 silver badges172 bronze badges


Typical PC users hardly ever dig into CFG files, and most of them might not even know what these are. But if you’re a passionate player or an aspiring programmer, chances are you won’t be satisfied with a particular app’s default configurations. That’s when creating a customized CFG file comes into play. If you’re looking for instructions on how to make one, you’ve come to the right place.

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to create CFG files across multiple devices and platforms. You’ll walk away ready to tailor your particular software experience according to your needs.

How to Create a CFG File on a Windows PC?

What is great about creating CFG files is the simplicity of the whole process. On Windows, these configuration files will be named “config.cfg” or similar, but they always end with “.cfg.” You can use Windows’ default Notepad to create your file, as it is text-based.

Here are the steps on how to create a CFG file on your Windows:

  1. Right-click on your desktop and select “New” -> “Text Document.” This will create a new Notepad file. Alternatively, go to the search box, search for “Notepad,” and open the app.
  2. Enter values and fields into your file, including the script of choice that will make the software or game adjustment you want. Depending on the software you want to edit, there are different scripts. If you don’t know how yours should look, you can look up specific instructions on Google. For example, a CFG file can be formatted in the following way:
    Var0 = low var1 = med var2 = high
  3. Head over to the top of the navigation bar and click “File” -> “Save.”
  4. Name the file followed by a “.cfg” extension in the “File Name” box.
  5. Hit “Save.” You should save the file in the respective software directory that you wish to adjust.
  6. If not done already, you must show file extensions by going to the folder options and ticking the “show file extensions” box.

You have now created a CFG file in Windows.

Creating a CFG file on a Mac is a relatively straightforward process. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Search for “TextEdit” in Spotlight search.
  2. Enter the scripts, values, or commands for your .cfg file. Separate commands with a space.
  3. Save the file into its respective folder directory with the “.cgf” extension at the end.

You’ll notice that the system saved the file with an additional “.rtf” extension to the file name. To change that, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click on the file in question.
  2. Select “Get Info.”
  3. Remove the “.rtf” extension from the Name & Extension box.
  4. Hit “Enter.”
  5. Select the “Use cfg” option from the pop-up window.
  6. Uncheck the box next to “Hide extension” in the Name & Extension section.

How to Create a CFG File on a Chromebook?

To create a CFG file on your Chromebook, follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the directory to which you want to add the .cfg file. For example, if you want to add to your CSGO game directory, navigate to its folder and locate the .cfg folder.
  2. Launch your built-in text editor or use Notepad++.
  3. Write down the script for your .cfg file.
  4. Save the file with the “.cfg” extension at the end and drag it to the desired folder directory.

How to Create a CFG File in Linux?

To create a CFG file in Linux, you can use the built-in text editor called Nano. It’s relatively easy to use, and you don’t need to learn how to navigate it beforehand. You can edit any existing .cfg file in this program as well.

  1. Open the Terminal. The quickest way to do so is with the shortcut – press the ‘’Ctrl+Alt+T’’ keys on your keyboard.
  2. Go to the file directory: $ sudo nano /path/to/file, where you should replace the /path/to/file with the config file path.
  3. Enter your sudo password when you get the prompt.
  4. Add scripts, values, or commands for the software you want to adjust.
  5. Save changes by pressing ‘’Ctrl+S.’’

You can also create a new text file on your desktop, name it with a “.cfg” extension at the end, and then drop it in its preferred Config folder.

How to Create a CFG File for CSGO?

CSGO has countless customization options that let players tailor their game experience. You can make quite a few changes right from the game menu, but more delicate adjustments call for specific commands. Creating CFG files at this point will save you time as a player – no need to input your command every time you play.

In the CSGO CFG file, you can add all game settings you prefer, starting from buy binds, crosshair settings, and more. You can save this file to any cloud software and have it installed on any other computer.

Fortunately, creating a CFG file for CSGO is a relatively straightforward task. For Windows users, you can use Notepad, and for Mac, go for TextEdit.

  1. Find the CSGO CFG file on your PC. You should look under Program Files -> Steam -> userdata -> [your Steam ID number] -> [3-digit-file] > local > cfg. Inside the folder, you’ll see a bunch of CFG files.
  2. Create a new text document in that folder by right-clicking on the blank space, selecting “New,” and then “Text Document.” Name the document “autoexec.cfg.” Name the file exactly like this, without the dot after “g.”
  3. Open the newly created file and enter the desired commands. This part is totally up to you, but some of the most popular commands include jump and buy binds and crosshairs.
  4. When you finish, hit “File” and save it as “autoexec” under “All Files.”

Your new CFG file is now ready. You can delete the old one but keeping it won’t make any difference.

Autoexec Troubleshooting

If the commands don’t run on game startup, here’s what you can do:

  1. Execute your “autoexec.cfg” file by entering “exec autoexec” in the game console.
  2. Add all “autoexec.cfg” file commands to the “config.cfg” file instead.
  3. Rename your “config.cfg” file to “config.cfg exec autoexec.”

You can find a list of all CSGO commands on this page.

How Do I Save a Text File as CFG?

Saving a .txt file as .cfg actually involves simply renaming it. Right-click on your .txt file, and replace the final part with “.cfg.” Also, you must show file extensions by going to the folder options and ticking the “show file extensions” box.

If you’re a Mac user, follow these steps:

  1. Open your TextEdit’s Preferences and navigate to the “Open and Save” tab.
  2. Uncheck the box next to “Add .txt to plain text files” under the “When Saving a File” section.

How to Create a User.cfg File?

Creating a “user.cfg” file is super easy – you just have to follow the same steps as when creating any other .cfg file.

  1. Launch Notepad or Notepad++ on your computer. You can look for it in the search box or right-click on your desktop and select “New” -> “Text Document.”
  2. Type in the commands you want to run on specific software or game startup. One command should take up one line.
  3. Save the file in that software or game install folder. You should find it under “Program Files.”
  4. Don’t forget to name your file “user.cfg” and not “user.txt.”
  5. Under “Save as type” select “All Files.”

How to Create an Mms.cfg File?

Mms.cfg is a configuration file usually used in Adobe Flash Players. Here’s how you can create one:

  1. Launch your OS default text editor. It can be Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for Mac.
  2. Enter the values or commands you want.
  3. Save the file as “mms.cfg” on your desktop or the respective Config folder of the app you’re editing.
  4. Under “Save as type,” select “All Files.”

How to Create a Mozilla.cfg File?

You can edit or create a new AutoConfig.js file to customize your Mozilla browsing experience. You have to make two files for this. The first one needs to be called “autoconfig.js” and should be placed in the “defaults/pref” directory. It should have these two lines:

Pref(“general.config.filename,” “firefox.cfg”); -> this line will specify the name of the file.

Pref (“general.config.obscure_value”, 0); -> this line shows that the file shouldn’t be obscured.

The second file should be called “firefox.cfg.” It goes at the top of the Firefox directory. Always start this file with a command line (//.)

You can find a list of AutoConfig functions on Mozilla’s website.

How to Create Pyvenv.cfg File?

Each Python virtual environment will include a “pyvenv.cfg” file. To create a new one by yourself, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch your OS’s default text editor. For Windows, you can use Notepad, and for Mac, it’s TextEdit.
  2. Write the script for your file.
  3. Save it as “pyvenv.cfg” and under “Save as type,” select “All Files.”

Creating CFG Files With Ease

Creating a CFG file can make your CSGO or other game experience much smoother. With these files added to your favorite game’s directory folder, there’s no longer a need to insert specific commands every time you launch it. While gamers are the ones who mostly create configuration files to tailor their game experience, programmers benefit from them as well. Whether you’re a gamer, a programmer, or you happen to need the information on creating .cfg files, we’ve covered everything you should know in this guide.

What commands do you enter into your CSGO config file? How does it help with your UX? Share your experiences in the comments section below, and feel free to share some of your favorite codes too.

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